Monodox (doxycycline) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Monodox (doxycycline)

This drug worked well to reduce the Rosacea initially but my body became toxic over time. (Took it as a maintenance drug 3 x week) Liver enzymes elevated and it created Antibiotic induced Liver Disease. The only clue it was hurting my body was a horrible case of pruritis ani. Only use topical for Rosacea and eliminate health problems. It took 3 months to resolve itself with strict diet and elimated alcohol.

Side Effects formonodox (doxycycline) - User Comments


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sinus, ear, and chest infections

slowed my heart-rate down to low 40's and thus caused Hypoxia in my fingers and toes along with severe cramps in my legs leading up to peripheral nephropathy and Afib. It's POISON !!!

The only side effect I noticed was that I have some vivid dreams. They are not nightmares though, so they have not bothered me at all.

I hope if I never took this medicine, now I'm a worthless person

Bloating, moon-face, but attribute these to Prednisone. Also tired more often than before imuran.

I'm trying to find out if the 5 mg benicar I've been taking is causing the excessive saliva in my mouth which, when I unconscientiously constantly clear my mouth by sucking the saliva out, has given me a most painful, burning,irritated mouth for over a year now.

awful medication 10mg@nite 5mg daytime seeing doctor this am never will touch zyprexa again!

I felt amazing after the first 3-4 weeks. At first I couldn't tell if it was working, then all of a sudden I looked back and realized I hadn't obsessed over everything, or felt mixed thoughts in a while. I took 150 mg/day for 3 1/2 months before I began feeling not so well again. My doc just prescribed 300 mgs per day and added lamictal. After reading the side effects of lamictal, I am really nervous to take it. I'm afraid of weight gain, loss of libido, increased risk of seizure, the rash! I suppose I'm just afraid of taking too much medication. Wondering if I should just "up" my wellbutrin xl dosage to 300 mgs and then see if I still need lamictal?

take 400 mg 2x per day. Just started this large a dose after taking 200 twice a day for 10 years. Working great, no seizures since upping dosage.

Reditabs stop sneezing, runny nose & watery eyes, as advertised, but my allergies cause fatigue & body aches, and white these are helped by taking the pill form of Claritin, reditabs don't address this.