Monistat 7 combination pack (miconazole nitrate; miconazole nitrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Monistat 7 combination pack (miconazole nitrate; miconazole nitrate)

stopped my vaginal itching as soon as i applied the topical cream. no symptoms of yeast infection after first application. after 7 applications, yeast infection gone. great product! will use again if necessary.

I'm very sensitive in this area. Anyway, I got a yeast infection and tried both the 3 day and 7 day Monistat...Horrible burning and itching for HOURS! I finally went to the doctor after I started to swell so badly down there and my doctor said I was probably alergic and to call her for now on so I can take the Diflucan pill. The Diflucan pill works like magic, gone in one day and NO PAIN! I LOVE IT! HATE MONISTAT!!!!!!!

The Diflucan pill works like magic, gone in one day and NO PAIN! I LOVE IT! HATE MONISTAT!!!!!!!

Side Effects formonistat 7 combination pack (miconazole nitrate; miconazole nitrate) - User Comments


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I started with 12 and half mg per day. It made me feel awful. Foggy, drowzy and confused. Eventually I made myself adjust to it but never felt better. Physician increased dosage to 25 mg and I feel worse than ever plus depression because I feel so lethargic. I do not like it nor do I feel any improvement in my symptoms.

To doctors: DON'T prescribe this as a mood stabilizer. I am NOT bipolar. I just need to get off this and talk to a therapist.

none, i have no allergies to food or drugs.

Worst first: Aggravated my Migraine. Headaches started getting worse and more frequent few days into 75 mgs dose. I just increased my Inderal, which has shielded me from migraine efficiently. I hit the 100 mgs dose of Lamictal, and my head felt like it was in a vice for what now seems to be forever. No doc would say for sure it was Lamictal. They said maybe barometric pressure, maybe having eliminated Emsam. I now believe it is Lamictal. I have been on steroids a week. No barometric pressure migraine ever resisted Prednisone high dosage. Other side effects: not finding my words (I'm a lawyer), and sweating (and smelling) profusely. Weight-neutral for me.

Severe pain in legs, hips, back and feet. Left arm became weak and both elbows tender and painful. Stepped out of bed one morning and left leg was totally numb and almost fell. Trouble sleeping--pain constant. Life totally changed-no energy, constant fatigue and depresssion increased. Also swollen fingers and feet. Recurrence of mytril valve prolapse symptoms.

None, it worked very well for me. I was receiving it through my IV first time hip replacement and it got infected for about 21 days/alternating percocet.Also with back surgery same as above but I only took it for 4 days. Also pulled my elbow out of socket, they just gave me 1 injection to relieve the pain so they could take x-rays and put it back in the socket.

foggy headed, dialated pupils, insomnia, fatigue, black outs, hot feeling, hot skin, extreme sweating and night sweats, strange long dreams

Got a burning fever over 103° In bed for 24hrs not getting the second one

Extreme weight gain,insomnia,extremely breathless,tired all the time,stomach pain. Breathlessness didn't start right away but everything else did WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS DRUG FOR ANYONE EVER

Knee and leg swelling, pain. Became basically immobile and installed handicap bars in shower, began investigating early retiremet and moving into a condo. Then went off actos and within 4 weeks I am amazed. Dropped 1/2 shoe size already (had gone from a 10, to 101/2 to 11 wide in 2 yrs) & looking forward to getting into some of my old shoes. Can now see and feel bones in my ankles and knees. Family had me seeking psychiatric help for depression, didn't do anything around the house, go anywhere, etc. But it was the leg pain and inability to ambulate. I had to save all my energy to make it through work with vicoden. Cannot' believe the difference. After a month I am not even taking tylenol!! Glory be!