Monistat 1 combination pack (miconazole nitrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Monistat 1 combination pack (miconazole nitrate)

Had a yeast infection from antibiotic use and was using Vagisil cream in the morning with minimal relief and decided to try knock it out quickly with Monistat 1 with the pre-filled ointment capsule around 11 pm before bedtime as recommended. Woke up around 3 am with a severely swollen labial area, burning, and itching. Tried to get as much of the product out as possible and washed with water. Took Benadryl and contacted my doctor who said to apply cool compresses and he may put me on Diflucan and a steroid. It’s been about 12 hours and I had to go to work so no cold compresses for now and nothing has changed. This product is AWFUL. Makes me angry that it is able to be sold OTC. Side effects are way worse than yeast infection. Hoping it goes away soon. Glad to have found all of these similar reviews so I know I’m not the only one, but sorry for anyone else who has had to experience this!!! Worried about side effects down the road and would be interested to see how it panned out for others over time.

Man F*K whoever made this medication.

I'm worried this product has permanently damaged me. I am still having burning and extreme sensitivity 10 months after use. The topical cream caused severe burning, but I tried to tough it out and continued to use it for 24 hours before deciding it was only getting worse. I went to my obgyn and was given fluconazole, which cured the infection. Went back 2 weeks later cause I was still burning bad. She said I had damaged skin and was just healing and to give it time. Since using this, I went from having NO issues with sensitivity down there to extreme issues. I can no longer take warm showers, use regular soap (even if I don't use it down there, it can run down and touch it), use seat warmers, wear jeans or nylon, sit for long periods or have a normal sex life. I recently went to my regular dr (gyno was booked up) cause I had swelling and an increase in pain and was told again that I just had dry, irritated skin. He even suggested seasonal allergies, which was extremely upsetting and made no sense. (I was tested for sti's at both appointments, all negative) I'm following his orders anyway and using aquafer every day to no avail. Both doctors told me there are no meds available for pain down there. I guess I shouldn't have toughed it out so long cause now I don't think I'll find a dr that will take me seriously. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life like this. It's torture and I would give almost anything to go back in time and just go to the dr for a pill.

Please understand that not everyone will have the same experience with any drug. All the reviews stating that this is just a pain tolerance issue are ridiculous and cruel. You would never tell a person with a peanut allergy that they're just not eating peanuts right, so why would you invalidate someone's allergic reaction to a medication? Yes, this can cause mild burning that goes away. Or, you could be one of the unlucky souls to have a horrible reaction. Please do not invalidate the warnings or suffering of other women just because you didn't have issues. People need to know that they are taking a risk when they use this. If it worked for you, great. Leave your experience for people to read. But do not assume that women who have abnormal reactions like swelling, blisters and intense pain are just weaker than you. I have been burning and sensitive for almost a year now, but nothing compares to the original burning. If it was just low pain tolerance, I wouldn't have been functioning all this time. There are other options out there. You don't have to take this risk. And for the love of god, do not try to tough out a severe reaction. It can change you forever. At least do a spot test before applying it all over.

WARNING!! DO NOT TAKE! I was on antibiotics for a UTI and developed a yeast infection. I picked up Monistat for the store hoping to get some relief. Biggest mistake of my life! It's been 3 days and I'm in so much pain, my labia is swollen and it feels like my area is on fire! It hurts to walk, sit and is extremely painful when I pee! It literally burned my vagina. It's so bad I'm going to Urgent care as soon as I get off work.

The FDA needs to look into this mediation because obviously I'm not the only one experiencing this nightmare!

I have birthed 6 babies out of my crotch and NEVER HAD I been in this much pain as I do now. This is illegal, if it ruins my libido I'm looking for someone to pay. No matter what I do the burning, swelling and throbbing does not stop. I tried a getting it out.

Some one should sue this company.

Was freaking out this morning when I woke up and saw the hugeness of my labia as well as an extreme burning when I pee. Burning is awful. I literally have to be on a plane in 2 hours and I can't sit down any tips?? Pls help me

Horrible reaction...non stop itching...swelling that looked like a grapefruit. So painful...itch won't stop. Never experienced this before. Redness in inner legs to low abdomen. What chemical is in this that creates that reaction? Peg?

Horrid reaction. Have Dr. Appt next week.

Extreme swelling of entire outer vaginal area the morning after using. Benadryl, ibuprofen and ice -- just go to your dr instead of trying this over the counter curse.

I had a yeast infection and I usually use homeopathic things for everything, but I thought I would try and get rid of it fast with this- worst mistake of my life! About 5 hours after I put it in the itching stopped but now my labia and vaginal opening are so swollen! I don't know what to do! I'm scared! I have an ice pack on it right now and took a Benadryl but nothing is working! Do not buy this product!!!!

A lot of swelling locally. Thought I am having a bad allergic reaction.

Please do not use, it's not worth the risk. I picked this up thinking it would be an efficient way to take care of my yeast infection AND I HAVE SO MANY REGRETS. It burned about 10 minutes after inserting but I sucked it up and went to bed. The next day and a half were fine but then OUT OF NOWHERE my vagina started itching insanely! I hopped in the shower and noticed my labia was so swollen. I can barely walk and i've got an ice pack between my legs. WTF why is this even allowed to be sold off the shelf.

I've literally been bedridden for hours. I'm currently immobile because of this product. Things have swelled to abnormal sizes. Itching and burning. Putting this ointment in me is my thirteenth reason. I have literally unleashed satan in my vagina.

This burns so bad. The itching went away the next day, but the burning is much worse than the original yeast infection and it's already been 2 days since I used it. As it's come out, my vagina is burned, raw, and cracked. It's even bled from the irritation. Use the 3 day pack. This is not worth it.

DO NOT use this. I took it around 11pm last night and woke up this morning with insanely swollen labia minors and my vagina is all but swollen shut. Absolutely horrible. Ibuprofen has done nothing for the swelling, I'm hoping Benadryl will. Currently have an ice pack between my legs!

Goodness gracious the pain.... I can't pinpoint when the itching stopped cause the burning and swollen vagina are 10 times worse... I'm going to go to a walk in today I've used cold compresses the last 12 hours but I'm so extremely uncomfortable I don't know what a doctor can do but lord I hope something to subside this agony....

Burning, the most uncomfortable burning and itching within 20 minutes of insertion. Now I'm swollen and struggling to use the bathroom. Would not recommend and for those who can, please just go to a doctor it's not worth trying to cure on your own with side effects like this.

Severe swelling of labia the morning after inserting the oval medication.

Took it right before bed and woke up with burning. Next day still burning so I used the cream and about 15 minutes later extreme burning sensation. Thought about going to urgent care. Looked online for reviews and can not believe all of the negative comments on this product. Worried how long it will last. Very uncomfortable!

Super intense itching and burning.

I put it in and I was fine for about an hour and a half. Then I had to pee and as soon as I did that it started burning and itching insanely. I definitely won't use this again. Hopefully it gets rid of the YI at least.

MONISTAT 1 COMBINATION PACK (MICONAZOLE NITRATE): This medication is used to treat vaginal yeast infections. Miconazole reduces vaginal burning, itching, and discharge that may occur with this condition. This medication is an azole antifungal. It works by stopping the growth of yeast (fungus) that causes the infection. The vaginal product comes in 2 forms (a vaginal cream or tablet). Some products also come with a skin cream to be applied to the area around the outside of the vagina. Ask your doctor before using this medication for self-treatment if this is your first vaginal infection. This medication only works for vaginal fungal infections. You may have a different type of infection (such as bacterial vaginosis) and may need a different medication. If you have fever, chills, flu-like symptoms, stomach/abdominal pain, or a bad-smelling vaginal discharge, do not use this medication. Contact your doctor right away because these may be signs of a more serious infection. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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