Modafinil (modafinil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Modafinil (modafinil)

I don’t think any from this medicine.

Compared to what I’ve read about the profound effect on improving wakefulness and attention this medicine has on most users, it seems to have a very mild effect on me. I am able to stay awake with reduced napping and reduced Adderall use

MODAFINIL (MODAFINIL): Modafinil reduces extreme sleepiness due to narcolepsy and other sleep disorders, such as periods of stopped breathing during sleep (obstructive sleep apnea). It is also used to help you stay awake during work hours if you have a work schedule that keeps you from having a normal sleep routine (shift work sleep disorder). This medication does not cure these sleep disorders and may not get rid of all your sleepiness. Modafinil does not take the place of getting enough sleep. It should not be used to treat tiredness or hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. It is not known how modafinil works to keep you awake. It is thought to work by affecting certain substances in the brain that control the sleep/wake cycle. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Started at 20mg and went up to 60mg. Helpful at first with controlling the mania and especially the suicidal ideation in depression. I thought it was nice that it made me drowsy to help me go to sleep, but in the past month I started getting so exhausted during the day and the drowsiness started to become more like dizziness and blurry vision. Then last Thursday soon after I took the medicine around 9pm something just switched in my brain. My perception shifted and I felt like I was in a void...I could barely speak and walk but what was most terrifying was that my eyelids wouldnt stop shaking so they couldnt close. I was hoping it would get better if I could just go to sleep but then my body started shaking uncontrollably. This lasted 4 hours and didnt get was absolute hell. Husband finally took me to the ER and they gave me ativan to sedate me. Thankfully I was able to go to sleep after that and so grateful the side effects werent permanent. When I looked it up I saw that antipsychotics like these can cause these symptoms, its called tardive dyskinesia and in some cases it CAN be permanent and cause irreversible mobility issues. SO DANGEROUS. I couldnt believe it and dont wanna take meds at all of the most terrifying experiences of my life.

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Sleepliness, dizzy/groggy. Constipated. Not as bad as the first time I took Parlodel many years ago. Prefer this to the alternative which is Dostinex and caused me to hallucinate.

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I works ok, allegra-d was lots better for me!

no noticeable effects of any kind, either positive or negative

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