Misoprostol (misoprostol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Misoprostol (misoprostol)

I took this drug as directed by my dr because I was a few days past the due date for my son. I did not take oxytocin because I was attempting to have a limited drug intervention birth experience. The drug took a bit to start, but once it kicked in I felt like I was being stabbed in my uterus. My body was not ready. The nurses indicated that they hate when this is given because it is VERY painful.

I felt fatigue, aggravation, ache in the pelvic region

I used Misoprostol with Mifepristone pills

MISOPROSTOL (MISOPROSTOL): This medication is used to prevent stomach ulcers while you take NSAIDs (e.g., aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen), especially if you are at risk for developing ulcers or have a history of ulcers. Misoprostol helps to decrease your risk of serious ulcer complications such as bleeding. This medication protects your stomach lining by lowering the amount of acid that comes in contact with it. This medication is also used in combination with another drug (mifepristone) to end a pregnancy (abortion). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

"Educating patients about potential adverse effects and asking about such effects at each patient encounter can enhance early intervention for adverse corticosteroid-induced psychiatric reactions." "Although a powerful therapeutic option, corticosteroids are associated with serious adverse effects, both physiologic and psychiatric." "In our literature review, we found that the potential psychiatric adverse effects of corticosteroids span a symptom spectrum from subtle mood changes to full-blown affective syndromes and frank psychosis.""Cognitive deficits, particularly declarative or verbal memory deficits, have been well documented during both long- and short-term corticosteroid therapy." "More severe cognitive impairment consistent with delirium or dementia has also been described."

Aybo now I can't walk my left leg is very painfully and I'm on my second round

Pregnancy prevention/Menstrul Cyle

My doctor is amazing. He does things in 3's. If it doesn't work after the third time, change the method. Once we find the right dose of Clomid we will try that for 3 months then move on. Hopefully this next month's dose will work.

Extremely painful breasts, body aches, nausea/vomiting, extreme mood swings, depression, irritability, lowered sex drive, hysterical crying over nothing

Know that no matter how healthy you are before taking accutane, you are still at risk for some very severe side effects. I took the drug for 3 months and now 4 months later I am pretty happy with the result. I used to have very oily hair and skin but now they are both normal. I had some scary side effects, but for me the benefit of waking up in the morning not afraid to face the world was worth it.

horrible mood swings, major spotting, increase in appetite, bloating, breast size increased, sweating, depression, sleepy

Before OTC I would get my periods for about three days and it'd go away and come back two weeks later maybe for like two days but it was very light, I didn't even really need to wear a tampon, and I could go the whole day without changing one(not safe though TSS). But I wanted them to last a week which turned into a very rude awakening. Ever since I started OTC there's been 3-5 days of extreme bleeding, I go through about eight pairs of underwear, can't go to school, I fill up a super tampon within two hours, I have to wake up every two hours at night so I won't bleed everywhere, and before the pill I NEVER had cramps and now I always get them, do you know if this will stop if I stop taking the pill?

i LOVE it! i live with cats, and am VERY allergic, and Claritin wasn't working. i switched to Zyrtec a few years ago and haven't had any problems since. If i don't take it, the eyes start itching and running almost right away. it's a lifesaver.

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