Mirvaso (brimonidine tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mirvaso (brimonidine tartrate)

Faintness, rapid heartbeat, hot all over after one use with a tiny amount

It seems docs are handing out samples of this like candy. Be careful, particularly if you have raynaud's, low blood pressure. I tested a tiny amount on a dime size area of my face and had a bad reaction about 2 hours after.

This drug disfigured my face! STAY AWAY FROM IT !!!!!

I look like a CLOWN!!!! Bright red cheeks like a circus clown. I am terrified. This drug disfigured my face.

MIRVASO (BRIMONIDINE TARTRATE): This medication is used to treat a certain skin disorder called rosacea. It works by narrowing blood vessels to reduce redness. Brimonidine belongs to a class of drugs known as alpha agonists. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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