Mirapex er (pramipexole dihydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mirapex er (pramipexole dihydrochloride)

1) Compulsive shopping, i.e. the drive to find a bargain; I was spending hours online trying to find the best deal for anything and everything 2) hypersexuality, mostly a reckless voyeuristic addiction to porn. Note: This was my second time trying Mirapex, the first time (almost 3 years ago now I was on it for approx 9 mos) my dosage was higher & the compulsive shopping was becoming impossible to control. Neuro took me off it & increased L-dopa instead for PD symptom control. This time, however, knowing the compulsive side- effects, he agreed to lower the dosage.

Recently underwent Deep Brain Stimulation for PD with hopes of decreasing other meds. Surgery went smoothly, w/o any remarkable concerns. Meds-reduction is just the opposite. Due to ER version of Mirapex, was forced to stop cold-turkey. Withdrawal has been miserable. Although dosage was small, the result has been constant fatigue & drowsiness; uncharacterstically sleeping 9-10 hours or longer per night; unable to feel fully rested. Refuse to go back on it & am unsure of next step. Wouldn't recommend this med, for multiple reasons.

The Side Effects were brutal. Compulsive gambling, compulsive lying, compulsive spending and compulsive sexual activity was all part of my 16 months with this drug. It has cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars that I will never get back. This is an evil drug and I do not say that lightly. Your doctor will not understand the level to which this drug can change your thinking. Please feel free to contact me if you have had this experience or want to more about this drug or group of drugs

Multiple obsessive behavior problems.

This medication is extremely good at reliving RLS symptoms but also causes potentially life destroying obsessive behavior problems. I will be happy to share my experiences with anyone who is interested.

I haven't had a nights sleep in 4 weeks, most of the time I'm awake all night, then I doze off in the daytime for 45 to 60 minutes. My feet are numb up to my ankles, can't feel my toes or bend my instep. I can't sit still or lay down & I'm afraid to walk, I might fall from lack of sleep. I took Mirapex since it went on the market, it made me worse, suicidal, anything would be better than this. It's after 3AM & I've been sitting here with my feet moving constantly reading the comments of 203 people out of the 373 comments. I'm 84 years old, & this pill has made my life a living hell, all I do is kick, & cry & eat & gain 70 lbs & I'm so unhappy in these last days of my life. I hope you younger people read some of the comments & get off of this pill.I have tried, Sinemet, Requip, Gabapentin, everything on the market, but Mirapex is the worse pill to take. I quit cold turkey a few weeks ago, & my legs are still kicking furiously, this is a horrible way to end your days on this earth, crying my heart out day after day, going from 1 doctor to another, no way to live. Someone has to find a way to help people like me, I even take prescribed sleeping pills, & I can't sleep. Please help me & others like me. Thank You

MIRAPEX ER (PRAMIPEXOLE DIHYDROCHLORIDE): Pramipexole is used alone or with other medications to treat Parkinson's disease. It can improve your ability to move and can decrease shakiness (tremor), stiffness, slowed movement, and unsteadiness. It may also decrease the number of episodes of not being able to move ("on-off syndrome"). Pramipexole is a dopamine agonist that works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (dopamine) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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It did the job - 75mg taken half hour before bed - (eat dinner late and drink lots of water). It lower hbp from 175/110 to 128/78. Before I couldn't sleep, and wake up several times due to headache or chest pounding. Now I sleep very good through the night. About a year before the medication my hands ached all the time, I thought it was arthritist but they were swollen and now my hands are fine. I use to be a type A personallity, obsessive, compulsive, disagreeable and a perfectionist now I am a lot calmer. Things don't bother me as much. I am so calm that I frighten people as much as I did when I was nasty three months ago.

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This drug works best during the "fasting" state (empty stomach). It is systemic so the first couple days of taking it will kill lots of bacteria in your body and as those bacteria die they release toxins which will leave you tired and often with gastro intestinal distress such as gas, diarrhea, etc.I suggest eating bland foods for the duration of the prescription and taking it on an empty stomach 1.5-2 hours prior to eating or 4 hours after eating with at least 8 ounces of water.I avoid caffeinated beverages, excessive dairy, and soda pops while taking this and I drink lots of water as it will help to flush the toxins and also help to keep the liver and kidneys healthy while taking Erythromycin.

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sore joints but increased sex drive.

strong urine, morning rush, hyper with too much coffee, must take sleeping aide. The first two week "rush" does become regular life.