Minoxidil (minoxidil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Minoxidil (minoxidil)

MINOXIDIL (MINOXIDIL): Minoxidil is used with other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Minoxidil works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Flagyl does work, sometimes after the first two pills; but is it worth the side effects? I am going to see a traditional chinese doctor and get to the root of the problem of BV. I have recurring bouts about twice or three times a year and no one seems to know why? Flagyl, I believe, simply supresses the symptoms and that's why it keeps coming back. I really dislike this medicine, but I hate BV even more. Can my co-workers smell what I smell?

It has been four weeks since his last dose of Zyrtec and he is still not back. I am sick with worry and am afraid that this is permanent damage. He went from being a super star at preschool to jumping on tables and crying and screaming. He had a ct scan and eeg both were normal. Pediatric neurologist said that it was a toxic reaction to zyrtec and it would wear off. How long does it take to wear off? If anyone has any insight to calm down a distraught mother please e-mail me. I have been crying every day and I am so afraid he won't come back.

It worked great for the first two weeks, but then the side effects intensified; you really notice the side effects when you have to take it 3 times a day. Long story short; the medication started making me suicidal. While it was in my system during the day, I was a wreck. Violent mood swings all day long; either nervous/agitated or calm/depressed. When it got out of my system at night (and first thing in the morning) I evened out. I would only reccomend trying this medication if you exhausted other medication and treatment options; it's an unpreditable pill.

Lipitor brought me down about 70 points, but diet was important at the time. Ive had 5-bypass 1985 and 9-stents 5 years ago Was on Mevecor and asked to change to lipitor as Mev wasn't doing anything.I also take some alternatives which have definately made a differance. I dropped my Lipitor of 20mg down to every other day instead of just laying off of it and this has been pretty much the case so far. Collestrol has stablized at 147-158and really not on any diet. I enjoy eating whatever comes along.

I am taking sonata for occasional insomnia due to anti-depressant use. For this purpose, I consider it an incredibly effective drug and would highly recommend it. Do not take after consuming alcohol because it will make you delusional.

I only took 10 mg a day for 2 months and I quit cold turkey. I went through a horrible withdrawal even though the small dose. Lots of anger and a worse depression than before. I don't know what the heck these pills do to our brains but I sincerely hope never to try one again.

Blurred vision, chronic fatigue, loss of memory, walking as if drunk, tingling in mid back/arms hands/fingers/toes/feet/scalp/electrical zaps across the forehead, loss of taste, insomnia

This may work for others, but for me this is one of the worst things that has ever happened to me in my life. My doctor is a bad person on the inside who smiles and drugs me on the outside. I don't think many of these medications should be used on humans.

Stomach Pain, Headache, Not sure if others are related...

Took Excedrin migraine today due to a migraine at work and shortly after I was feeling extreme anxiety, I felt like I was going to pass out I had to find a bathroom and calm myself down, heart was pounding, dizzy and disoriented. I've had panic attacks in the past but this was so different. I will never take this medication again. I'll suffer through a migraine first.