Minipress xl (prazosin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Minipress xl (prazosin hydrochloride)

only the pulse rate come to normal and not bringing the high blood pressure under control

Side Effects forminipress xl (prazosin hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Intense hip and knee joint ache when on the 30mg which settled on the reduced dose of 20mg. Experiencing ongoing headaches and shooting chest pains. Tried switching to Apixaban for 7 days but the side effects were too intense.Hoping to try alternative blood thinners as I would not take Rivoroxaban for life as suggested by my doctor.

I try not to take this medicine when I don't have to, but it works the best when you take it as soon as you feel a migraine coming on, so I also can't delay in taking it too much. The reason I try not to take it is because it makes me forgetful. But it works like a charm most of the time. It is most effective if I take it with Tylenol. Once in awhile, 1 out of 20 times or so, it will make the headache go away but my headache will come back within 24 hours. But that is just a bad migraine, not the fault of Imitrex.If you get bad migraines, make sure your doctor gives you a cardiac health test before taking the drug for the first time. But this is really a miracle drug for migraine sufferers. I've also taken the injection type. I think it works faster, but the pill is more convenient to stash work, in all of my bags, and in the car.The key to taking Imitrex is to just take it and take a nap. The migraine will be gone when you wake up and you skip that ti

Loss of memory, slower thought (well I'm getting older as well but I think lamictal plays its part). Sensitivity to sun.

loss of appetite, nausea, stomach cramps, sweating, sexual difficulty

I have tried unisom a total of 8 times 4 of which were when I was prescribed them from my doctor while I was pregnant. Each and every time I have only taken half or less of the single pill size. It helps me fall asleep within 25-30 min and I sleep very good however the next day I am groggy and extremely irritable. Anger absolutely has to be a side effect of this sleep aid. All 8 times I've taken it then very next day I'm a bear and that is not my personality AT ALL.

I'm sometimes easily tired. Other times I have lots of energy. Over all, I feel fine.

Major Depression with psychosis

the only good thing is that I have stopped bleeding from the fibroids, and I have not had a period in 1 1/2 years

Thank God is all I can say. My moods were literally cycling between 5 - 7 times DAILY. I was on Prozac for 18 years and came off one year ago, only to discover that I do indeed need SOMETHING. My doctor has worked so patiently with me. Trial and error, pill after pill, then LAMICTAL. I am so pleased. I can't believe how stable I am right now. I so hope I am not jumping the gun. Started on 25mg per day, now up to 100. The insomnia is bothering me though as I have never had trouble sleeping...

I will say that after I was off Lupron, I got preganant 5 months later. However, I would NOT recommend Lupron. This drug put me into early menopause the second I got off it. My docs have said that my body is actually 15yrs older than my age. I have very little short term memory, my hot flashes have never gone away and my last shot was 18 yrs ago. Now my daughter has started having hot flashes at the age of 14 and strongly believe it was because of the Lupron still in my system. I had endometriosis so bad that the doctors filmed my surgery and took it around the world for training classes. Ladies, get the hystorectomy!!! Yes, you'll feel better, still lose your hair and so on. If you have endo, don't keep the ovaries because the endo will still live. All the pain is gone except for the side effects of the Lupron. Several years ago there was a class action law suit againt the use of Lupron. You had to sign up for compensation however all the news regarding this just stopped being posted. I gave up and figured I got my daughter and will just deal with the worst of it the way I always have. If you can survive ENDOMETRIOSIS, you can survive anything! Can I hear an Amen??