Minastrin 24 fe (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Minastrin 24 fe (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate)

Constantly angry and tired, headaches everyday just feeling over all sick

I've been taking this for 9 months and I feel absolutely horrible, the mood swings and the constant feeling of being angry and loosing my temper isn't worth it, not to mention the last couple months I feel constantly sick and it seems to only get worse each passing month.. I'm over it and switching!

May have had weight gain but I took another medication with that side effect so I don't know. Still had cramps but only for a day or two and they weren't unbearable.

This was amazing! My periods were short and I always knew exactly when I was going to get them because they came like clockwork on their expected days. I was switched from Loestrin to this one without feeling any sort of change at all. I am now on Junel because new insurance does not cover minastrin and my period is neverending. Going on 9 days already. I hate it.

This gave me really weird mood swings and appetite problems,could barely eat.Worst of all I was so scared I'd have a heart attack!The heart palpitations are ridiculous after the first two weeks and random depression was not worth continuing this pill.

Switched after loestrin 24, was not the same. Weird bad angry moods. Vaginal Dryness, with and without recurring yeast/bacterial infections, dr said to give it 3 months to adjust, by month 3 I was pregnant. Was taking this while pregnant, 2 weeks before I found out luckily baby is fine.

Doctors love to push this pill, but it's the devil.

Headaches, depression, anxiety, weight gain, chest pains, vision problems, insomnia

This should NOT be on the market. Google negative side effects for minastrin and there are DOZENS of women who are experiencing all of these side effects and more. This pill should be pulled immediately

Major hair loss. I just stopped taking it today, so I have no idea if this can be reversed. But my bathroom drain looks like it has a guinea pig in it. Sooo sad!!! I got super depressed on it too. Couldn't figure out why the heck I was so down. Then it dawned on me. I know everyone reacts differently, but this one is NOT for me!

Systemically got rid my headaches due to hormone imbalance....will take this for eternity

MINASTRIN 24 FE (ETHINYL ESTRADIOL; NORETHINDRONE ACETATE): This combination hormone medication is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains 2 hormones: norethindrone (a progestin) and ethinyl estradiol (an estrogen). It works mainly by preventing the release of an egg (ovulation) during your menstrual cycle. It also makes vaginal fluid thicker to help prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization) and changes the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. If a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus, it passes out of the body. There is a small amount of iron (ferrous fumarate) in each of the 4 inactive pills taken during the fourth week. The inactive pills do not contain any hormones. These pills are meant to keep you in the habit of taking 1 pill each day and do not have enough iron to treat iron deficiency. Besides preventing pregnancy, birth control pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease your risk of ovarian cysts, and also treat acne. Using this medication does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Any time I have tried to quit smoking I have had extreme mood swings, from teary sadness to lashing out in anger.When I use wellbutrin, these moods swings do not happen, which is great. I would consider it a huge success when it comes to helping me to stop smoking (haven't smoked in 3 months and counting!).However, now at the end of 3 months, I am feeling extremely depressed, to the point even of contemplating suicide--very unlike me. I also have bouts of extreme almost uncontrollable anger. I have read others here on this site who tell of how they have broken out in rashes--this too is happening to me, and it has never happened before.Are the depression ,anger, and rashes due to the wellbutrin? Who knows? Bt I'm going to stop taking it anyway. I think it has done what it can to help me quit smoking.

Rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain

i have had no side affects whilst taking this, i think it is brilliant. Although i am supposed to take 50mg in the morning and the same at night but i go straight to sleep within half an hour so i can only take them of the night.

I have cramps in the uterus just a day or few before my period start. I feel a little depress and grumpy during these few days also. No diziness or else.

severe severe severe burning and pain both inside vagina and out.