Midazolam hcl (midazolam hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Midazolam hcl (midazolam hydrochloride)

drowsiness for ~2 hours post cath

I have had this drug 4 times in my life and it works quickly with minimal hangover. Never had side effects with it beyond ~hours. Definitely better than benzodiazipines

This drug gave me permanent memory loss, PTSD and outrageous anxiety

I had this given to me with no warning of amnesia and other side effects in 1991. I still suffer from it 24 years later. Never ever let anyone talk you into taking this mind altering poison.

I have very sore cold legs, no matter what I do I cant get warm. Shaking, headache feel like iv got gloves on, cant really feel my fingers properly.

Was told I was going to have mild sedative & wouldn't feel a thing. I felt like I was choking & could hear the nurse shouting at me. Then wen I woke up I felt like I didn't no where I was & just wanted to get out as fast as I could. This all happened on 19th Jan 2015.

i've had over a dozen surgeries and every time midazolam was used...it relaxed me so much and helped out a great deal!

total amnesia after surgical procedure

Had very bad results from this surgery. PONV, bronchspasms, you name it. Suffered a paralysed vocal chord but didn't remember anything at all post surgery. Only found out about the drug later. All day in Post Anesthesia Care Unit and I remember nothing. NEVER AGAIN!

Euphoria, slight loss of motor control

I was given this medication intravenously once before surgery and I must say I was highly impressed. Within thirty seconds I felt high as a kite - much more so than the times I had taken Xanax. This drug made me emotionally calm yet I was more physically in control than the one time I took 10 mg of Valium before surgery. I am shocked to see all these negative reviews of this medication. When it kicked in my first thought was "Wow! Now THIS is what I am talking about." I had no negative side effects either.

Panic, trembling, tachycardia. Felt weird and unsettled for weeks after.

The emotions were bizarre and frightening. Not an anxiety reducer at all.

Given to me prior to a minor surgery, my memory of the events is intermittent. What I recall is barely being able to move or speak, and not being happy about it.

Fuzzy memory, slow thinking, mood swings, not at all my normal self for almost 3 weeks afterward.I learned of the Versed after questioning my dr. and getting a hard copy of my record.

Amnesia, anxiety, distrust, anger, flashbacks

I wasn't warned about amnesia like others posting. Was told it would "relax" me. I told them I didn't really need anything to relax, but got the shot anyway. It didn't help me AT ALL, in fact I am still upset and angry weeks later. Maybe some people like paying a professional (so called) to just mistreat them. No thanks. I changed doctors, and no one will ever give me anything to "relax" me again. Bad drug for me, and wasn't told about effects.

Anger, depression, memory issues, unable to return to work the next day.

Was flat out told I'd be awake and responsive, not "out". Was not told of the amnesia. I was shocked and then angry when the process was complete and I had no recall.

Prolonged amnesia, confusion, fear

Requested to be awake, amnesia was never mentioned, woke up terrified, confused, and angry, felt like hours of my life were missing, procedure itself only lasted 15 minutes. I feel so betrayed by my doctor. If it is truly given for the patient's benefit, it would be explained. The real problems begin after the patients get home, and then they don't care, won't return your calls, deny there are any problems with the drug. Hundreds of us know better. Shame on the medical profession.

not sure: it was prior to surgery

immediate:amnesia. for weeks after:, anxiety, fear, nightmares,flashbacks, now at six months:finally anger.

This was a very scary experience for me. Like others, I was told it was "to relax" me. I was on a gurney, in a hospital gown, with an IV in my left arm running antibiotocs in a preop area surrounded by strangers. I cannot forget the smirk on the face of the woman that injected it into my IV. "Amnesia" was never mentioned. For weeks I had panic attacks and still cannot go for my follow up check up because of the nightmares and fear. This drug took away my ability to remember anything for about 8 hours except severe pain, wanting to escape, and feeling like I was helpless because I couldn't move. This memory comes in waves, without warning.I could never recommend this drug to any one. They may as well have hit me on the head with a hammer: I really hope any one reading this post will be better informed than I was.I also hope the stinkers that do this get their pants sued off.

Totally blindsided by the amnesia part, was not told anything, I didn't even know anything was in the IV. I was in the holding area and instantly it was 90 minutes later and I was in recovery. It was mentally like being slammed up against a wall. Very jarring and I am still angry months later.

Let's see: a drug with the main purpose of causing amnesia. It is not a pain killer. Too bad if you go through hell, you won't remember to complain about it.I wasn't supposed to be having general anesthesia but to me it might as well have been.

Numerous. I went from my usual calm couldn't-care-less to half-PANIC. There was an odd feeling that the drug actually forced TENSION on me. Breathing became laborious and I felt I had to work at inhaling. I became restless and agitated. For weeks afterward I was slow at everything, memory was shaky. I had odd relapse episodes where my tension and anxiety would suddenly climb like a rocket and I would be shaken up for 15 minutes or so.

I would love to see the world's supply destroyed so that nobody ever experiences what I did. Sign me up for the job. Judging from some of these "5" ratings, looks like there's a bunch of medical people trying to defend their precious drug. This drug should never be used for any procedure.

Nobody said a word about blacking out for hours. Was told it was "liquid Valium." That's about as complete a lie as I have ever heard. I woke up strapped down. They said I was strapped because I had a "reaction" to one of their drugs. At no time did they admit that it was their "liquid Valium." I've had valium before and it was nothing like this drug. NOTHING! I am angry and ashamed, neurotic about any more "minor" procedures where medical people lie and sneak a nasty drug like this into a person. Rot in Hell you dingbats. Unbelievable what passes for medicine these days.

Groggy stupid feeling, major depression, anxiety, crying jags and feeling of hopelessness. DO NOT GET AMNESIA!!!

I have had Versed many times as you can tell and each time the amnesia didn't work and I was left in agony, unable to move and screaming in pain while my nurses laughed and said "you won't remember this honey" The last 2 times I have begged not to have it and they agreed. They lied and just gave me MORE! Last Wednesday I finally got them to agree to give me general anesthetic so that I could avoid Versed. I even wrote NO VERSED on my arm where they put the IV. They said OK, but when they got the IV running, they argued with me over Versed and gave it to me anyway! I still have not returned to work... I WORK in a Dr.s office and he won't have Versed given to him! So depressed that I can't do anything but cry. Thanks Versed and all those people in the hospital.

Actually CAUSED anxiety when I was calm to start with, also dizziness, fear, and agitation; developed into rage, fear of falling asleep, and then deep depression when I couldn't figure out what happened to me, and the doctor & nurse evaded my questions and were COMPLETELY uncaring and cold to me

Something must be wrong with this drug if medical people are sneaky and forceful about using it, without explaining it to patients. There is almost universal lack of informed consent regarding its use. WHY ???

ansethesia for same day surgery

Panic, breathing difficulties, scared both me and the doctors.

Highly recommend you stay away from it. Bad drug!

Plenty.I'm normally not afraid of surgery. It scared the hell out of me.My husband said I tried to get up and leave. I nearly fell since I had no coordination.Lasting memory problems. Vertigo.Weird semi-panic episodes during the day, nightmarish dreams at night. Feeling unrefreshed after eight hours sleep for months afterward.

Sorry I didn't Google this beforehand, but I didn't know this drug was being used until my husband called and asked. We had no idea.Add me to the list of people who were never told about the amnesia. This is a lie of omission and it angers me because it is deliberate.

Prior to Hip Replacement Surgery

I was not anxious prior to the surgery but my doctor ordered the versed added to the IV anyway. Why bother to ask if you're going to just walk all over me anyway?? Within minutes I felt a bizarre disconnect with reality. I was not sure why I was there and began asking to leave.

In the future I will demand that this drug not be used on me!

MIDAZOLAM HCL (MIDAZOLAM HYDROCHLORIDE): Midazolam is used before surgery or a procedure. It helps to cause drowsiness, decrease anxiety, and to decrease your memory of the surgery or procedure. This medication may also be used to help with anesthesia or to sedate people who need a tube or machine to help with breathing. Midazolam works by calming the brain and nerves. It belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I started at 10mg and moved to 15 mg. It did help with anxiety and depression but my mood was completely flat. Could not hardly feel anything.

A few hours after I took the first dose I became exstremely tired, I found myself having to take several naps a day and had no drive to do anything. By the 2nd day, I had rashes on my arms, chest and back. I also noticed severe leg cramps from just sitting still. My stomach also felt like it was in knots. I am suposed to take it for 7 days but I am stopping it today which would be the 4th day

just worry about it being addicting

I took Singulair for the last three years and experienced relief from my allergy symptoms. Unfortunately, the last time I took Singulair, two months ago, I started having horrible dreams. Every night I had graphic dreams where I was killed. I know, not fun. The bad dreams affected my mood. I was telling one of my coworkers about my allergies and the problems I was experiencing and he told me about the affect the drug has in some people. I stopped taking the medication, I am no longer having bad dreams, and I am back to my normal happy self.

But I did have great results for the first year. It might work better with others. I would give it a try.

Headache, frequent urination, extreme dizziness, stomach pain, muscle aches, constipation, loss of appetite, shakiness/tremor, chest pain, feeling off, twitching, drowsiness.

I have taken Atenol for several years. Recently my Doctor changed me to Lotrel 10-40 because the medication seemed to stop working. After a couple of months on Lotrel I am having spells where I can not grasp words that are being spoken to me or speak for approximatly 60 seconds. The best I can describe this is when hit on the chin the feeling right before you black out. My motor skills do not seem to be deminished during this time, however I get a loud noise in my ears, again for a lack of comparison much like the sound a huey helicopter makes. I have also experienced soreness in my hips. I have worked out with weights (heavy at times) for almost 20 years but seem to be so stiff that I have to adjust my work out to accomodate the stiffness. At nights I have an extremely hard time falling asleep and it is impossible to wake up in the mornings. Tommorrow I will insist on a new medication for my Hypertension.

Terrible taste in my mouth, food tastes funny, ringing in my ears that is constant and sounds like a million crickets, headaches, vivid scary dreams, hearing and feeling things that aren't there.

headaches, dizziness, fatigue, heart problems

I have an insatiable appetite and am gaining weight (argh), My speach slurrs pretty badly if I don't get 8 hrs sleep