Mexiletine hydrochloride (mexiletine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mexiletine hydrochloride (mexiletine hydrochloride)

Maybe dizzy a little. Heartburn a little.


I was taking this 3x a day. I was dizzy. My BP was very high and I was sick and dizzy all the time. The Dr reduced it to 2x a day and the bad side effects have pretty much subsided.

It’s helped regulate my heartbeat so my pacemaker doesn’t go off.

BP is very high (169/119) and just not feeling well. Also, some strange feelings in my head.

I know I've only been on this medicine for a couple of days but I have been on so many different medications for the past year and have exp. more side effects than the doctors expected. The side-effects are documented and many times the doctors are suprise or they say "that's a possibility"; however, they never disclose these side-effects up front. I will see how I feel within the next couple of days. If my pressure continues to be high, I plan to stop taking this medicine regardlesss what the doctor says.

Pain in nurves in bottom of feet

When starting out I was dizzy often.

Side Effects formexiletine hydrochloride (mexiletine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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AT FIRST, nightmatres, hard time waking up, groggy in the am BUT all these side effects went away after a few weeks, so at least try it for a few weeks before giving it up

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When I was *finally* diagnosed with ADHD at age 20, the first time I took it I had a sense of clarity that I describe as "putting on glasses." Instead of walking around in a fog and being constantly distracted, I could focus with a clarity I never experienced before. I finally realized what it meant to feel normal. I've been off and on Concerta over the years and nothing compares. It's the reason I made it through college and now am on my way to graduate school. It doesn't cure bad habits, however, so you must learn to modify your behavior such that you can harness your newly aquired ability to focus. Absolutely no violent or suicidal thoughts, but these have never been an issue for me with or without meds.

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my mom has changed meds since moving to another state. new doc. new meds. i hate it.

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It's been a good drug for me with almost no side effects. Although I know it can be addictive, I had no problems withdrawing from it the first time I did it. Just go very slowly.

I had the typical side effects, hot flashes, moody etc. BUT i also developed cysts on both of my ovaries and the doctor believes it's due to the clomid and "over stimulation" of my ovaries. It's very uncomfortable and has made me feel a little defeated

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After one month of taking the 5 mg. pill, I suddenly felt nauseated and dizzy daily, and I began to bleed to the point where I am changing my tampon every two hours and have to use pads as a back up. Never mind the ACCIDENTS that have to be washed daily! I also have severe cramping. This has been going on for four days straight. Due to all of these symptoms, I had to take yet another medication daily for nausea and NSAIDS for the groin cramping. Who needs this? How can you live or work experiencing this misery? Mind you, I am in menopause and no longer have ovaries! The doctor was sympathetic, but I took myself off this poisonous, medical roller coaster ride! I will have a biopsy and/or D&C or surgery and go from there. Quality of life is everything! When I was on the low dose tricyclic birth control, it changed my menstrual symptoms for the better. I had no clue about the nightmare ahead. What happens when you finally get off of or take yourself off this medication? Do you actually get better? No one knows! My doctor could not tell me how much longer would have my PERIOD and associated symptoms. Do your research and take control over your health. By the way, insist on sedation if you are going to have an in-office uterine biopsy due to Covid-19, etc. It is extremely painful even though the cervix is numbed. Your doctor will have to prescribe a controlled substance.