Metrolotion (metronidazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Metrolotion (metronidazole)

according to the package insert metronidazole causes cancer in mice and rats but not hamsters. I'd rather have rosacea than cancer. (I was taking the gel version of this drug.)

I am so happy that I finally found a dermatologist smart enough to put me on metrolotion. I am incredibly fair-skinned and for several years I had been getting very red, very hot cheeks at some point during almost every day and didn't know why...when I started applying metrolotion twice a day my symptoms disappeared almost immediately. I definitely notice, too, when I skip a dose.

METROLOTION (METRONIDAZOLE): This medication is used on the skin to treat a certain skin disorder known as rosacea, a type of adult acne. It may help to decrease redness, swelling and the number of pimples caused by rosacea. This medication is an antibiotic. For the treatment of rosacea, metronidazole is believed to work by decreasing swelling (inflammation). Some brands of this medication also contain sunscreens (see also Notes section). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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BEWARE! Don't take this drug if you have other options. My severe endometriosis pain is still ever-present, and this drug makes me feel terrible--physically, mentally, and emotionally. Lupron is supposed to provide long lasting pain relief, but even while the medicine is supposed to be working I'm still in terrible pain. I don't trust my surgeon anymore because he recommended it with such high regard, calling it "the best thing since sliced bread." I am calling that office on Monday to schedule surgery to remove the lesions because this isn't working at all.

I was honestly completely freaked out when i read these comments. my doctor put me on o.t.c a month ago but i never actually took it due to all the horrible ratings that some of you gave this pill. Finally, i talked to some friends who took it and they were astonished that other ppl were having such negative side effects. None of them had noticed any kind of moodiness or depression. Basically, dont let this site scare you from taking the pill!!There may be side effects for you, but nearly everything is preventable...take medicine, it will help!!

I never used to get cramps, but once I started this, I got them all of a sudden. I also got scared of pregnancy many times-since I skipped periods or had them when I shouldn't have. I liked the pill at first, but after my legs went numb for about a week straight, I got off of the pill. It wasnt safe.

My doctor prescribed when I asked if there was anything I could do to avoid my period on a long planned vacation. Would I recommend this, no, but the breakthrough bleeding was light compared to having a heavy period for 3 days so it wasn't terrible. Only plus on this medication was that my skin has NEVER looked better. That being said, I will not continue with it.

Severe depression. Feelings of worthlessness, thoughts of suicide. Nightmares.

I take Ambien 1-2 nights a week and it helps me to fall asleep and sleep straight through 4-6 hours which is something I haven't been able to do since childhood. This medication has really helped me.

I have tried to wean off this drug, but cannot sleep at all without it. I started taking it after my husband passed away. It was prescribed before but was afraid I would not hear him during the night so I did not take until after he passed. I have been on it for 2 1/2 years.

I took Seasonale a lot longer that I should have. I am 38 and my doctor thinks I am in menopause. I also now have ovarian cysts tha I never had before. I would never reccomend this pill to anyone under any circumstances!

Use it as directed and there will be no problems. Those who misuse the drug are responsible. The drug is not the problem, the user is. Suicide can be carried out in many ways. If someone wants to leave this world, Soma should not be blamed. The tables must be placed in the mouth and swallowed. That choice is not made by the tablet. It is made by the individual who chooses to misuse the drug. Feeling "high" is NOT my objective. Moving with as little pain as possible is what I strive to obtain. Some of the comments made about this drug show misinformation and poor judgement in dosage.

Very sleepy or insomnia, thirsty, Urinary Incontinence, headache, light headedness, visual tracers/minor hallucinations, shock waves through the front of my body(especially my face and chest), nausea/panic attacks (if skipped dose), craziest dreams EVER!!, nerve twitches.