Methylprednisolone acetate (methylprednisolone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Methylprednisolone acetate (methylprednisolone acetate)

redness/itchiness on hands/feet (very severe). Thirst and mild swelling on legs, and lower body. chills inside body, fast heart beat.

Stmptoms are not improved. Itching/redness still exist!!

METHYLPREDNISOLONE ACETATE (METHYLPREDNISOLONE ACETATE): Methylprednisolone is used to treat pain and swelling that occurs with arthritis and other joint disorders. This medication may also be used to treat various conditions such as blood disorders, severe allergic reactions, certain cancers, eye conditions, skin/intestinal/kidney/lung diseases, and immune system disorders. It decreases your immune system's response to these conditions and reduces symptoms such as swelling, pain, and allergic-type reactions. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of methylprednisolone, especially if it is to be injected near your spine (epidural). Rare but serious side effects may occur with epidural use. Methylprednisolone is a corticosteroid hormone. Methylprednisolone may also be used with other medications in hormone disorders. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have been taking Desogen for over 5 years and the only side effect I have experienced is cramping on the first day of my period, which is normal. I have tried at least 4 other pills (Yasmine, Ortho, Mircette, etc) and have always went back to Desogen. This has been the only pill I haven't gained weight on and had no spotting or break through bleeding. Like other comments, this pill has lightened my period, I know to the day and hour when I will get my period, and it only last 3-4 days.Every woman's body is different and obviously their bodies may react differently than others but I have never had any problems with it and would highly recommend it!

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Generally felt pretty dull and had no sex drive whatsoever. I don't wanna be sad but does life really have to be that boring?? I drank a lot while on this drug and it made me act kinda crazy. I know your not suppose to drink when on these meds, but I honestly feel the dull boring mood this drug created for me drove me to. Prior to taking this medication I was not much of a drinker, and now that Im off it I'm not either.

I started taking this a week ago. I can deal with the slight nausea but the anxiety attacks are unbearable. I'm thinking it could be from the increased blood pressure that my doctor warned me about but it is still by far the worst side effect. If it persists I will get off this bc. I've also had horrible stomach pains and gas makes me double over in pain a couple of times. It is also a stressful week so I will try to be patient with it

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I believe this drug should be taken off the market. I only took the shot for 1 year which means I only had 4 shots. I have been off for 3 1/2 years and have not been able to loose any of the weight and my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant with no luck!

Sore throat, lack of energy, red eyes, and trouble breathing

constant nausea, burning in stomach joint ache in all joints

I have been in UC remission for almost two years. One half dose of Apriso is the only prescription medication I take, plus OCT probiotic.