Methylphenidate hcl (methylphenidate hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Methylphenidate hcl (methylphenidate hydrochloride)

Loss of appetite, increased heart rate. The Come down from this medication is terrible including feelings of depression, anxiousness, insomnia.

One 5mg dose lasted for 2 hours then my depressive symptoms returned. One feels temporary relief followed by a severe crash that returns the mood to an even darker place then before.

Fixed everything. For one in my life I thought to myself, "Hmmm, is this what it's like to be 'normal?'" I was happy---chipper even---and (nervously) appetite-less (loved that I could eat anything and still lose mass). I focused. I understood what I was reading! My crippling memory loss that I've had since childhood was gone. I reminded people things! I remembered foreign language phrases I overheard on my TV shows, and song lyrics I didn't know I ever knew. I cried every single day because I was so happy. The nausea was pretty bad. That never went away.

After 3 and a half weeks it stopped working. I know this for certain because I upped my dosage, and my brain slowly turned back into swiss cheese. The black outs returned, as did the dyslexia, the confusion, word salad, severe long-term dissociation (depersonalization), mental comprehension (understanding of cause-and-effect) died out, and my ability focus and write wonderfully, and verbal articulation was long gone... I cried even harder because I had finally felt normal or real or just had happiness---I felt like Dr. Manhattan---and lost it so very quickly.

Difficult to fall asleep for first couple of weeks then none.

Originally started taking this med for Adult ADD, then realized I had no headaches at all after having suffered with daily cluster headaches for more than 15 years. Now I try to stay on the drug to keep the headaches at bay and if I've been off for a while (monetary reasons - no insurance) I take 20 mg a day for 3-5 weeks than take once a day 3-4 times a week to stretch my scrip. Miracle Drug - NO OTHER SIDE EFFECTS!

No unpleasant side effects. Pleasant ones include bursts of organization, intense ability to focus on tasks (to exclusion of all else) and talking more than usual.

My A.D.D. came out of hiding when I managed to quit smoking. Nicotine appeared to be a pretty good brain medicator, and when it was gone, I had very poor brain function and lost several jobs because of it. After being put on generic Ritalin as a regular medication in my 40s, I was able to actually go to college (while working full time) and eventually, after 10 years of steady mostly part-time attendance, I completed my B.A. and held down a responsible job until I retired at age 62.

First month - loss of appetite, increased or noticeable heart beat, slightly blurred vision, physical shakiness, euphoria, energy, mental clarity and calmness, deep sleep.After first month - return to normal, occasional noticeable heart beat, some appetite loss.

Very helpful, greatly improved the quality of my life. You don't have to take it on a regular basis, once you find the dosage schedule that suits you it is possible to use drug on a more casual basis as needed, for example, skipping weekends when you don't need to get any serious work done. It is important to track your reactions to the drug and discover a way to use it that works best for you. Just taking it at the same time every day at the same dosage may not be the best way to gain benefit. This is why it can be difficult for children since they aren't able to communicate or understand their needs as an adult can.

Euphoria then severe anxiety and depression after "coming down," nervousness and anxiety, increased social anxiety, moodiness, irritability, paranoia at times, tremors, cold extremities, etc.

At age 14, I took it (Ritalin) daily for most of ninth grade-- 10mg three times a day. I became a nervous, paranoid freak. It may be helpful for some people to take every day, but for the most part I think daily use of this drug is ridiculously unneccesary. It turns you into a speed freak. The fact that they push this and other stimulants on children makes me sick. It infuriates me. Since my trial with it in 9th grade, I've taken psychostimulants like this off and on whenever I could get a prescription. I find it extremely helpful to take "as needed"-- like once a week, more or less-- rather than on a daily basis. However, for some reason many psychiatrists are against this idea and would rather have people use it like drug addicts and take high doses every day. I don't know why. Finally, whether it is Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate, or a generic version, they're all methylphenidate and work quite similarly. Adderall and other amphetamine drugs are also very similar to methylphenidate drugs. There are lots of "sustained release"-type formulations of these substances, but I am actually less fond of them because the timing of their effects are more unpredictable and less controllable.

Euphoria then severe anxiety and depression after "coming down," nervousness and anxiety, increased social anxiety, moodiness, irritability, paranoia at times, tremors, cold extremities, bad insomnia, severe appetite suppression, etc.

At age 14, I took it (Ritalin) daily for most of ninth grade-- 10mg three times a day. I became a nervous, paranoid freak. It may be helpful for some people to take every day, but for the most part I think daily use of this drug is ridiculously unneccesary. It turns you into a speed freak. The fact that they push this and other stimulants on children makes me sick. It infuriates me. Since my trial with it in 9th grade, I've taken psychostimulants like this off and on whenever I could get a prescription. I find it extremely helpful to take "as needed"-- like once a week, more or less-- rather than on a daily basis. However, for some reason many psychiatrists are against this idea and would rather have people use it like drug addicts and take high doses every day. I don't know why. Finally, whether it is Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate, or a generic version, they're all methylphenidate and work quite similarly. Adderall and other amphetamine drugs are also very similar to methylphenidate drugs. There are lots of "sustained release"-type formulations of these substances, but I am actually less fond of them because the timing of their effects are more unpredictable and less controllable.

METHYLPHENIDATE HCL (METHYLPHENIDATE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Methylphenidate belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills. This medication is also used to treat a certain sleep disorder (narcolepsy). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The started me at 25mgAnd now its 50mg n still team no sleep.

Insomnia, nightmares, tremor, increased light sensitivity (particularly to glare), eyesight deterioration (distance - halo effect), headaches, pupil dilation, lethargy, reduced appetite, nausea, tachycardia. Occasional "brain shock"/"electric shock" feelings as though I've missed a dose.

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This drug is dangerous!!! Doctors apparently are not being briefed on Levaquin's toxicity and extreme side effects on some individuals. I'm astounded that this drug is prescribed so casually. There should be some organized effort to get this off the market.

I would never do this again! Gained weight and I look like I am 12 with the acne. Never started my period after having it removed. Not good when your trying to get pregnant!

I take 100 mg daily, and it has nearly eliminated all of my pain.