Methamphetamine hcl (methamphetamine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Methamphetamine hcl (methamphetamine hydrochloride)

nonemethamphetamin hcl releives pain in the spinal muscular

its best when induced in a 10 mg m- amphetamine hcl 10 mg amphetamine sulfate mixture or better yet is 5 mg amphetamine to 15 mg meth-amfetaminsmathamfatamines are a pain relieverthis is a pain supressent and motivator to strech and exercisesurprisingly unlike amphetamine wich causes lots of body load and tension in the neck and shoulders were i have an injury that gives me painincredible pain reliefi think it is all levorotory mathafetermin that is hcl salt percipitated from vicks inhaler most likely cop dope dont really know what desoxyn is any more but this purity is a wonderfull tool for bringing out traits in people and aggression violance that then can be delt with quick and hastley by lawenforcemnent as to remove these peoples lack of social skill from the society as to not currupt anyone else because it is my understanding that exposer to violent asault is a pretence to violent people agessorsit rbrings the stupid out in the stupid to such a degree that they end up pretty much putting them self in time outand for those of us that preffer deep scholarly thoughts and or pain releife and releife from the symptoms of adhd it is a great toolhowever in the wrong hands it can become menacing to certain individuals that exibit cumpulsive behaviors

because the DARE program Dared me to

in extremely high doses well above theraputic it causes mild hallucinations that only come on because of a two prong aproach involving lack of sleep exaustion and .5gram oral ingestion level things get strange but very mild hulucinations nothing that one can't work there way through its not like its 2cb nbome or the like ...mdma tablets times 2 600 mg one insufilated one orally ingested netherlands ,cop dope meth hcl ,.5-1.0 grams in 24 hrs pluss 300 mg amphetamines and then 5 mg of clonazapam one bowl of weed is easily managed if you have intellectual prosocial self confidence and plutonic retroreductive logic and half a brain

is absolutley no threat to any one other then the ones that are offened by it way i see it is that good things on bad substances is the way to live there fore making bad substances good and making bad behavior bad i dont care what the situation is if it is a situation then i guess its a personnal problem so if every one learns to take responsibility for their actions and doesn't blame other people for their behavior then every one would be alot happier and would cooperate much more effectively and efficently so if your product that you creat kills my son well t so it should be short hen guess what the afore mentioned product is not to blame the only one to blame is my dead son for causing me or you pain in his abcense and to do that is even selfish on my part other then for the normal amount of time it takes me to greeve wich is not worthy of feeling grief well i am sure glad that my son died doing what he loved your product or service that killed him isn't that life

Paranoia, psychosis,Unable to live normally an absolute nightmare.

METHAMPHETAMINE HCL (METHAMPHETAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Methamphetamine belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills. This medication is also used along with a doctor-approved, reduced-calorie diet as an aid to help significantly overweight (obese) people lose weight. It should only be used for a short time (a few weeks) in patients who have not lost enough weight with other treatments (e.g., dieting, other drugs, group programs). It may work by decreasing your appetite. This medication should not be used to treat tiredness or to hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Stomach pains, chest pains, anxiety, fatigue, headache, erratic heart beat, raised blood pressure, dizziness, nausea (even when taken with food), blurred vision.

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Seroquel was working fine to give me much needed sleep then one night. Bam! I'm awake all night on the same dose. Very upsetting. Probably will not sleep at all tonight.

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I took effexor XR once before for almost a year and had no side effects, I had to stop cold turkey due to lose of insurance and could not afford it. However I guess I was lucky because i didn't really have any withdrawl. I have recently started taking Effexor again the org.(not XR) and I am having all kinds of side effects this time. I have tightness in my muscles, clinched jaw, nausea, loss of appitite, headache, feeling very fidgety, dry mouth, sleepiness, constipation. I don't want to quit taken it, since it worked so good before. I figure if the side effects do not improve after a month I will talk with my doctor.

please do not take this medicine, it will kill you!

Weight gain, bloatng, leg swelling, joint pain?

I was so cranky I felt like tearing someone's head off! This is not listed as a side effect, but it definitely is. Just one day off the medicine and the irritability was gone. It really helped the allergies, but it's not worth it.

chest pains and shortness of breath after taking 4 pills over 3 day period.

Arthritis-like symptoms, joint pain