Metadate cd (methylphenidate hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Metadate cd (methylphenidate hydrochloride)

Switched from this to generic ritalin because of ins copay and switched back despite $50 copay because it worked so well whereas generic was useless after 30 days. Metadate cd 30 mg 2x a day took an hour to kick in but was great. Not to be confused with metadate er tablet which did not work.

METADATE CD (METHYLPHENIDATE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Methylphenidate belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Manufacturer was not well informed when I called to complain about the extreme side effects, tried to blame it on the batch I had last taken. It's not worth being on this drug. I'm intelligent and my IQ had plummeted on this drug. I don't remember people, things, words, everything. Caused more depression than before. Now I have to spend thousands to try get a neurologist to try fix this terrible mess!


**I know many say that they get insomnia, but i am really tired on Meridia. Does anyone else feel this way? This is only my 3rd day, and im sure that my body is still getting used to it, but I wish i felt a little less like I had a head cold. I do notice that my hunger has decresed, but my energy level is so low that my desire to workout have now decreased. I am hoping for the best and will stick it out for the month perscription I have. I am lucky that my insurence covers this drug.

Tonsilitis and Sinus Infection

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Without Valium my mind would not stop at bedtime. This drug worked perfectly (let me sleep)and let me wake refreshed [5mg at bedtime]. More recently, I developed headache problems that I do not attribute to Valium [maybe overuse of protonix or Excedrin rebound]. I now use Valium for headaches and occasional leg shakes(5 mg at night). Now, I do not take it every day; more like every other day.

I take Ondansetron for the nausea about 1/2 hour before the DHE. The shots are annoying but I get longer relief than from the nasal spray. (at least 48 hours) I'm not convinced this is the answer but at least I am off the triptans and analgesics that have a higher incidence of rebound.

I had tried taking wellbutrin in my early 20's and had to stop because of suicidal thoughts etc. however it has been about 15 years since then so I decided to give it another try. I did not start feeling any relief from depression (and seemed to have gotten worse) until about week 6. Now I don't feel so extremely low and sometimes have a good day. Honestly I have noticed no increase in energy but have noticed an increase in libido, which happened around week 3 or 4. I have cut down my smoking to a few cigarettes a day from over a pack for almost 18 yrs. However due to my agitation, irritability, and anger I am not quitting completely at this time. Interestingly I have severe menstrual cramps and it seems to help this ailment somewhat. When I was taking Prozac I always lost weight so it is interesting that on Wellbutrin XL (a drug known to help with weight loss) I am quickly gaining weight by binge eating. Perhaps it is due to cutting down on smoking, however most information I read led me to believe this wouldn't be much of an issue. I am hopeful that the Wellbutrin's effectiveness will continue to increase over the next month and that my anger and irritability will decrease, as well as my appetite. It is worth a try for anyone thinking of getting on it but keep in mind it can take several weeks of misery before you feel some relief, not always the case but something to keep in mind. This med seems to have helped an awful lot of people.

I know I listed a lot of side effects, but I am VERY pleased with this drug! I am taking 300 in the morning and a Trazedone in the evening to help me sleep. I love the results I'm seeing and my husband noticed a change in my mood after I was on it for just 2 days. I tried cutting down to 150 and had serious irritability every evening. That went away when I returned to 300. I have lost weight rapidly and am now drinking Ensure everyday to get the nutrients I need despite my complete lack of appetite.

I finally realized the connection of the weight gain and migrains when I forgot to fill the prescription about two weeks ago. Since.. . I have lost a little of the weight (which was IMPOSSIBLE to lose while on), no headaches, but I did have one asthma attack due to allergies.