Mepron (atovaquone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mepron (atovaquone)

While taking mepron I was experiencing breathing, problems. My doctor had me on this medication as a preventative for pneumonia. I was in the ER 3 times for extreme shortness of breath and no one could explain why. Also one ER doctor told me to folllow up with my family physician because my liver function tests were high. I went on line while in the ER and saw that mepron could cause liver failure. I mentioned it to the doctor and she agreed that the medication could be the reason for the high blood count.. I stopped the medication on my own. Finally after a few days my breathing improved .

Severe sweats and brain fog worsened first few days, gel like watery eyes at first 3 nights, weakness and fatigue but all considered good i knew it had to be working!

On third course in 4 years, second month, for relapse of lyme & babesia. Feeling better again.

This medication did not cause any side effects at first, the about 5 days in it caused nausea, abdominal cramping, & an overall weird feeling. I know it is working though as it put me into a Herx & babesia symptoms are already starting to improve.

Yellowish stools, slight indigestion. Don't get it on your clothes, the stains do not come out.

Hideous yellow color and awful taste, but it definitely kept me out of the cemetary until my CD4 count went above 200.

As stated below a horrible finger paint yellow color with a slight Maloxx-like citric taste and consistency. Causes me to have sudden, unannounced, and extremely soft stools of a yellow color. Basically ruins my morning exercise period. 10ml per day

This medicine kills protozoa and is used as a prophylactic during my weakened immune system period. Guards against malaria, encephalytus, etc, etc. Taste not bad at first, but now is difficult to stomach. Stains badly. Extremely expensive and amount is regulated per month by insurance carrier. However, it gradually thickens, sticking to the bottle interior, and I always run out five to six days before I can purchase another.

While I was taking Mepron, I was diagnosed with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Don't know if the Mepron or the toxoplasmosis caused it, or not. Sometimes I got an anxious, brain-fog, through-my-whole-body unexplainable feeling that made me uncomfortable. Every time it happened, it went away by itself after a short time. It didn't happen at first, but happened more often the longer I took it.

I didn't like having to time my meals to coincide with my 4x per day prescription, especially I didn't like having to eat something right before I went to bed, to get in that 4th dose. I also didn't like having to eat fat with every Mepron dose. If I didn't have health insurance, the price would've killed me - $743.43 per bottle (a 14-day supply)!! All in all, a small inconvenience for saving my eyesight.

No side effects besides some slight fatigue and somewhat bad taste in mouth.

This medicine has a very striking color. It looks sort of like a bottle of finger paint. The taste is bearable and does not bother me. Not sure if it is doing anything to treat my infection but only time will tell. I rated it high because while it may not be helping me, it is not hurting me either.

I was on zithromax, plaquenil, probenecid and omnicef when I added Mepron 2x a day. I didn't have any side effects until I started Mepron such as extreme, severe weakness, felt anxious and overall weird feeling that eventually subsides. Then I had a couple of seizure-like episodes that lasted approx. 3 seconds. Mini-blackouts.

Neon orange liquid. Stains lips. Tastes unpleasant. Also took with other antibiotics and occasionally a miniscule amount of Vicodin and Ibuprofen for pain. Had to stop the painkillers because it seemed to enhance the weakness caused by the Mepron. Side effects aren't totally unbearable, just uncomfortable. But had to stop Mepron because of the seizures. To be fair, not completely sure if Mepron caused it or the other meds.

MEPRON (ATOVAQUONE): Atovaquone is used to prevent or treat a serious lung infection called Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP). This medication helps to stop infection symptoms such as fever, cough, tiredness, and shortness of breath. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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