Menopur (menotropins (fsh;lh)) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Menopur (menotropins (fsh;lh))

Extreme burning while injecting, bruising around injection site, bloating & tenderness of ovaries

Some vials came empty! Doubting effectiveness of medication

to produce eggs/mature follicles

with increased egg growth, increased estrogen levels so side effects from those hormones.

Side Effects formenopur (menotropins (fsh;lh)) - User Comments


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Excrutiating pain in lower calf muscles of both legs, redness in eyes, pain in goin area radiating down my inner leg to knee, and popping of knee joints in both legs. I wake up every morning with burning in my achilles and after any exercise my calf muscles still twitch for hours.

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It's a great drug. It really is a mirical. My throat hurt so bad I thought it was bleeding. I looked it up online and the doc gave it to me no problem. my family doc is great. Now I'm feeling good (also have some antibiotics). I should be able to start practicing again for my bands big show in a few weeks. I'm a thanks Tussionex!

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I went to the doctor three times thinking I had a urinary tract infection. It didn't hurt to pee and all the urinalysis's and culture came up clean. The feeling was very intense and then the connection was made to when I started taking the wellbutrin.

Miracle drug! After failing previous Velcade-based regimen, a single cycle of Dara normalized my serum lambda light chain numbers. I couldn’t be more impressed.

I was on depo for 7 months and gained 35 pounds.I cannot stop eating I am so hungry all the time now.Its been 7 months that ive been off it and im still gaining.

weight loss, memory loss, mood swings, agitation, insomnia, "moving" lights

At first it was just heavy periods but of normal duration. This progressed to heavy bleeding all the time that just never stopped. I had routine blood work done that showed that I'd become anemic from so much blood loss. Had it taken out and replaced with the mirena and my anemia improved right away.

been on it now for a month (100mg 4 times a day), still working up to larger dosing, feel like it is starting to help somewhat with the nasty pins and needles feeling in my arm where all that scar tissue is