Menest (estrogens, esterified) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Menest (estrogens, esterified)

Liver enzymes highHigh cholesterolCan't eat anything or drink alcohol not even a glass of wine once in a month

Although this drug is horribly expensive, it has been very good for me. I had a terrible time with the usual and cheaper drugs. They made me have terrible depression. This one worked great so I've stayed on it all these years. My GYN says that at my age, everything is working great and I shouldn't change a thing.

vaginal atrophy due to hysterectomy

Helped a great deal. When I went back for exam, everything was back to normal.

severe headache the first few days- then they subsided.

This drug was prescribed at the lowest dosage. My doctor monitored my blood and my reaction to the drug closely during the first month of taking it. I was wary of HRT. But this drug has really helped me. I get a decent night 's sleep now. The flashes and night sweats have all but ended. I even think I don't have those memory

MENEST (ESTROGENS, ESTERIFIED): This medication is a female hormone. It is used by women to help reduce symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. If you are using this medication to treat symptoms only in and around the vagina, products applied directly inside the vagina should be considered before medications that are taken by mouth, absorbed through the skin, or injected. Certain estrogen products may also be used by women after menopause to prevent bone loss (osteoporosis). However, there are other medications (such as raloxifene, bisphosphonates including alendronate) that are also effective in preventing bone loss and may be safer. These medications should be considered for use before estrogen treatment. Certain estrogen products may also be used by men and women to treat cancers (certain types of prostate cancer, breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body) and by women who are not able to produce enough estrogen (for example, due to hypogonadism, primary ovarian failure). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Severe stomach cramps and bloating because I'm now so constipated. Would rather have let the diarrhea work itself out. Do NOT recommend this drug.

The first annual dose I didn’t have any side effect. After the second dose it was sometime later I began experiencing odd burning in my bones and my wrists and ankles would ache horribly, especially at night. (I was afraid I had bone cancer but fortunately I did not) This has persisted for 10 years! My OBGYN said it could not be from the Reclast as it would have worn off. She’s the one who recommended it in the first place. Always trying to push these biophosomate drugs on me!!!

SEVERE insomnia. swithced to taking it in the morning. Then a chest rash, then a face and neck rash. My right leg and foot are numb and sore. Itchy. Starting to limp. Short bouts of dizziness. Chest pain. I hate this stuff. I'm done.

I bought this to clear up a moderate yeast infection. After the first day of use I had vaginal sensitivity and increased itching and some swelling. I thought that the yeast infection was just worse than had originally thought. After 2nd dose I couldn't even wipe after urination without screaming. It itches so bad I want to rip my vagina off my body but it is so sensitive I can't touch it. Going to ice it, take a benedryl and hope for the best


Take as needed, usually 1/2 tablet of 5MG.

none (but i took it before bed)

I have only been taking it for about a week and I am a TRAINWRECK!!! My hubby said that he would rather have another baby then for me to be a psycho b----. Possibly might try an IUD.

I previously used Movi-Prep which is only 2 liters total and it tasted like flat alka seltzer, nothing adverse at all. Trying to glug down a gallon of your favorite drink at 1 cup every 10 minutes is hard, let alone some non absorbable liquid chemical crap. I mixed lemon lime Crystal Light Pure Fitness powder in each cup, held my nose and drank it down. No where near as bad as I thought it would be, its just the volume of liquid that's brutal. I had to space it out much longer after about 7 cups. There is no way in hell I am going to be able to finish this gallon. I'm a little over half way and when I walk to the kitchen to think about another cup the gags come on just thinking about it. If they reduced the volume it would be so much better.

Brain dead zombie effects.I was given this junk wrongly for Insomnia by a scum bag Psychiatrist.All I wanted was a hard and fast acting drug to knock me out quickly;Instead I was given this.I took it once - never again.Now trying to sue them for giving me a dangerous drug