Mekinist (trametinib dimethyl sulfoxide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mekinist (trametinib dimethyl sulfoxide)

MEKINIST (TRAMETINIB DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE): Trametinib may be used alone or in combination with another medication (dabrafenib) to treat a type of skin cancer (melanoma). It is also used with dabrafenib to treat thyroid cancer and a type of lung cancer (non-small cell lung cancer-NSCLC). Trametinib works by slowing the growth of cancer cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Vomiting, Nausea, Dizziness, Mild Shortness of Breath and Muscle Cramps in arms and feet.

I went through 4 patches in 2 weeks. The two that stayed on only stayed on because I plastered it with medical tape that is horrible looking and itchy. I cleaned the area with alcohol and let dry before applying and reinforced it with tegaderm and it still came off. These are very expensive to not stay on $20 per week.

My child acted as a normal 3-year-old, so at first I didn't suspect Singulair. Then after taking it for a few months, he was afraid to be in bed alone. Now recently he can't even sleep by himself. After reading other kids' reaction I decided to take him off. Please research the affects before giving a child ANY medication.

WEIGHT GAIN. I think i have gained about 25 lbs since taking this medicine. I have been on it for about 3 months. I am also tired all the time, but i do not know if this is because i work full time and go to school full time or the medicine.

stiffness in hands, legs and back- especially upon waking or after standing for long periods of time; beginning hair loss; affected state of mind... uncharacteristically angry, depressed, intolerant, impatient, difficulty coping with stress; High pressure job- not functioning normally; weight gain in mid-section. Have high bp and feel like it's up all the time from the mood issues; loss of interest in sex; unusually tired almost all the time. Went off the drug 3 days ago in agreement with oncologist. Starting to feel like myself again. Will see nutritionist and start exercise program now that I'm beginning to feel better. Hope it was the right decision. Surely don't want to develop another cancer. Difficult trade-off.

extreme drowsiness all through out the day,vivid nightmares,i'm a recovering alcoholic and am getting cravings i havent had in years,irritability,mood swings.

Trouble maintaining an erection, difficulty ejaculating, anorgasmia

Some weight gain, some nausea, NO RASH

A few people mentioned having used it multiple times. I'm interested in hearing peoples' experience with reoccurring breakouts. I'm on my second in a span of three months.Quick backstory: Not sure where I got it. My ex and I we were together 9 months (stopped using condoms after a couple weeks) and were both orally-inclined. If she or I had any visible warts, we definitely would have noticed. We broke up in September. Guess who pops up in October when I'm ready to jump back in the dating game? Four lil homies at the base of my penis. Went to the doctor in October and got condylox. I used it and it cleared up. Notified my ex about it--she's got an appointment with her OBGYN coming soon. (Should have told her when I first noticed them and maybe I wouldn't have burned the hell out of my penis applying this stuff incorrectly the first time.)It's early January now. Guess who's back? Three more lil homies.How many of you using this product have experienced reoccurring warts? Are any other products better than condylox? Has anyone gone a solid year without another outbreak? And, I realize this isn't a forum, how do you disclose it to past/current/future partners? Please message me and share here if you have any insights.Thanks for reading, and may you never see these little f-ers again!

I had over 3 weeks on intravenous metronidzole in February 2011 for Abcesses. It did the job at the time, but was mixed with two other antibiotics, gentomyocine and tycoplanin. Lots of side effects as mentioned, but manageable. About 4 months later I started to feel very I'll with similar abcess problems, but also a lot more pain. By December it was so bad I ended up in hospital with a tumour having a colostomy. I have had Crohn's disease for about 20 years. Looked at side effects today because I still have the abcess problem and they can't start the chemotherapy because of it. I am on metronidozole again and feeling horrible, then I read that one of the side effects is carcinoma in patients with crohn's disease. I am now very worried. I don't need the cancer to come back! I have another week on it yet!