Megestrol acetate (megestrol acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Megestrol acetate (megestrol acetate)

No side effects that I am aware of.

I am male and a prostate cancer survivor on hormone treatment. I suffered for years with hot flashes that disturbed my quality of life. I awoke many times a night taking the covers off and on. I can relate to menopause. Since taking megestrol the hot flashes have disappeared.

Joint Pain, NO! Sex drive or Sexual Desire. Very tired all the time. Not sure it this is do to the Megestrol or the Arimidex, which I was told need to be taken together to help with the hot flashes.

How does anyone know if these 2 drugs are really working and if the out-weigh the side effects? I have been taking both Arimidex & Megestrol for 2 1/2 years

MEGESTROL ACETATE (MEGESTROL ACETATE): Megestrol is used to treat loss of appetite and weight loss in people with AIDS. Improving your appetite and gaining weight may help you feel better and be more active. Megestrol is similar to a natural substance made by the body called progesterone. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The skin under my armpits started to peel off, and this is starting to happen anywhere I sweat and skin touches.

slight sexual problems, delayed ejaculation. other than that no problems.

Shut down my appetite big time, which is thrilling to me because I was hungry all of the time, always, I was constantly hungry.. I have lost 9 lbs in 6 weeks, most likely because I'm eating much less amounts of food.. the acne is very disturbing, particularly because I have never had skin problems ever in my life.. I will stick with this for 12 weeks when I get my A1C checked again and make a decision then as to whether I will continue.. I also find the slowing of digestion disturbing because I don't know how that can be okay to have food sitting in your stomach undigested for longer periods of time than would be normal.. this must be at least partially contributing to when I vomit, I do not have any nausea, but it seems like suddenly I take a bite of food and my stomach just says no there's no more room and kicks it back out, I find that what I'm vomiting includes food that I ate 8 hours ago

I've never had this problem before, and have had this shot many times for different reasons. I'm not sure what has changed.

More of the good stuff (Hydrocodone) less of the stomach bleeding bad stuff (Aceteminophen). Takes away any pain from cold or flu. Enjoy your day off.

I couldn't live without it. Have had to increase dosage to 150 mg/day. If I went to 200 mg/day I had more anxiety and restlessness.

I have only recently began taking Wellbutrin and Cymbalta. Wellbutrin for about one year and Cymbalta for two months. I feel like the benefits of Cymbalta are the reason I decided to try medication (I hate taking medication).The concerns I have are that I want to feel this way without medication. Also, I am very concerned about missing a period since I want to have kids some day.

chills, fever, muscle aches, increased urination, dehydration headache, extremely tired, itching.

I had systemic rhem arth (JRA) prior...with no impact on my bones or joints from Lupron. I also had migraine before with no increase while on Lupron. It is a great medication for severe Endo. Worst part is when you have maxed it out and have to go back to being in pain. Nothing compared to the relief I got from Lupron. I will forfeit a couple of hours of sleep as long as they are pain free hours. Good Luck, and like eveything in life...try it for yourself.

Haven't really had any side effects..hopefully no weight gain,like I've been reading haven't noticed any yet.little groggy in morning but doesn't last long actually reading other reviews worry me ....but so far so go ...helps me sleep....