Megace es (megestrol acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Megace es (megestrol acetate)

Megace works wonderfully. I have not experienced any side effects besides sweating (only at night). It has brought my appetite back and I have gained 8 pounds in 3 weeks.

My 92 year old father was in rehab following hip surgery; Megace was prescribed as an appetite stimulant. Two days after starting this drug, he experienced vivid (and often scary) visual hallucinations. Prior to this he was alert and oriented, with slight short term memory deficit. I couldn't believe this was a side effect, but after an internet search mentioned hallucinations several times, we requested the drug be stopped. It took several days for his mind to clear. We were challenged by the doctor and nursing staff, but stood firm in our request to stop this drug. We feel vindicated since the symptoms stopped when the drug stopped.

This and ALL drugs should be considered carefully before being given to an elderly person, AND they should be carefully monitor for side effects. In fact, in the elderly, the fewer medications, the better.

manic-type side effects. Could not sleep for days and would fall over finally to sleep. Began "manic" binge of purchases and I'm told grandiose ideations. I am being weaned now but am having severe "crying jags." I turned against everyone who loved me and was arguing with everyone and extremely mean, even verbally vicious to the people I love and who love me. I didn't want to go out but stayed inside on my computer and made excuses for everything people tried to help me with, even my sister who is an RN and my brother in law who is an MD. The doctor who prescribed this for me to gain weight (I am 5 feet 1 inches tall and weighed 80 lbs but wasn't malnourished) is a very elderly guy - 88 - 89 yrs. old)and didn't explain anything about this having steroidal or hormonal effects.

This is a very powerful drug and ought not be used for someone to just gain weight. My underlying illness is COPD and I'm a 62 yr. old female. I felt so good and "high" I couldn't see that I was angry and attacking my loved ones constantly. I only knew that I felt good and so "high" that I went on an $8000.00 buying spree online, thinking I could completely remodel our house on my own.

I had lost about 12 lbs. and had no appetite. Didn't care about cooking at all because I never felt hungry. After starting Megace ES, I started getting an interest in eating again. I have gained the 12 lbs. back!

MEGACE ES (MEGESTROL ACETATE): Megestrol is used to treat loss of appetite and weight loss in people with AIDS. Improving your appetite and gaining weight may help you feel better and be more active. Megestrol is similar to a natural substance made by the body called progesterone. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Added this to my slew of deppression meds..Im on Wellbutrin, Cymbalta and Seroquel. Doc put me on 50mg of Trazodone for insomnia and it didnt work so he raised it to 100mg. I fell asleep but experienced horrible nausea in the morning. I have 2 kids and it felt like morning sickness in the worst way. Stopped taking more nausea.

i beleive this drug should be banned, how can you give it to a kid because they are hyper or can't focus???? THERE KIDS!!!

Please email me if you have similar side effects. I hope to learn all I can to help my quality of life!

headache, nausea, fatigue, anxiety

OMG!!!! This does nothing for me...if anything maybe 5 minutes of a small relief, but shortly after my attack comes back. Since I have been taking this crap (3 months) my asthma feels like it got worse. It did give me the jitters at first, but they slowly went away as I used it. It kinda sorta helped for a small attack...but when I have an actual attack it does nothing. It has made me feel anti-social at other words....staying home when I feel a small bit of asthma coming on because I know I dont have a decent inhaler to rely on.Its starting to depress me a bit.This is not acceptable!!!!!!!!!!!