Medihaler-iso (isoproterenol sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Medihaler-iso (isoproterenol sulfate)

Medihaler_iso helped me with my breathing when I was growing up, the other inhalers are not as good.

No side effect ever felt ... used it since 1960 until it was stopped late or early 90 ... troubled after that bcoz new ones are not effective

Best broncho dilator .. save so many lives ... cant understand why it was stopped

Life saving as a kid, let me live a more normal life.Now using Ventolin.Medihaler was a miracle medication for me.

I don't remember any, but that was years ago.

I had uncontrolled asthma throughout elementary school. This product became available to me around 1955 and was a godsend for allowing me to go to school regularly with limited sick days. I carried it with me until albuterol became available and my doctor prescribed it instead. I was about 15 when I started taking it.

Side Effects formedihaler-iso (isoproterenol sulfate) - User Comments


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I really loved the effect Prozac had on my mental state. I have tried just about every SSRI and hated them all. Prozac didn't make me feel weird, and it helped me not overreact to things. I had less of a tendency to take things personally that I knew were not personal. Incidentally, it only took a week or so after quitting Prozac for me to get my sexual ability back, and my libido is better than it was before I started the Prozac. :)

Had a Heart attack due to a blocked artery a year ago had angioplasty and stent.Was put on BP medication,cholesterol med, Toprol XL, Plavix, aspirin, cholesterol drug. Lost 25 pounds through exercise and diet, off of plavix.Went off of toprol (beta blocker)after one year due to very low heart beats during sleep(felt like I was slipping away) as they were down to 35 beats per minute. My heart rate awake was 45 - 55 bpm. Only on 12.5 mg of Toprol. Doctor took me off of Toprol and after one week my heart rate up to 60 BPM, no more feeling that I am "slipping away" when I sleep, and depression, lack of fatigue improved. After being off of Toprol for 3 months my energy level greatly increased, drive is back and I feel much better. I think I am sensitive to drugs like many others on this site. My doctor recommended that I try another beta blocker and I told him to forget it. I would rather live a somewhat shorter life if I have to then live like a zombie who felt that he was in the

More nausea, feeling in a "fog" for several days. Side effects not terrible but drug ineffective.

calf cramps, extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, no sex drive, eating all the time, UTI, dry skin

Terrible headache until I adjusted to the dosage that works best for me - two 100's twice a day. I have slight hand tremors and some thirst.

first, it did help cramps and beleeding, but this is not worth the other effects. I was taking it for contraception as well. Useless when you never ever want to have sex anyway. For months I was snapping at everyone, and couldn't be happy about anything. Sucked since I am a newlywed. Also, only slight weight gain, but somehow my hips and abdomen are much larger. within 2 months, could not wear pants i wore before it began (and i am on a strict exercise routine and watching what i eat). Avoid this pill

Mild stinging upon application

I experienced loss of emotion, dry mouth, severe weight gain (50 lbs), severe lack of labido, difficulty with climax, sleep disturbances, yawning, and muscle/joint aches.

Some of the side effects are difficult for a few days, but if you keep with the treatment, you will see results. I have had toenail fungus since I was a child, and have tried other drugs like Sporonox. Unlike Sporonox, I can already see the result of the drugs in all of my affected toenails. Whether or not I will relapse is a different question, but so far, the results are there, and I am very pleased.

If it were not for Effexor XR (300 mgs) and Lamictal (75 mgs) I would not have been able to focus and stay on task in finishing my bachelor's degree. This drug may work too well in allowing me to see the world for what it really is almost in an alienating way...Effexor XR makes being alone perfectly fine and combined with the low sex drive I feel little need to meet people which is not good. I get withdrawls on the 2nd day of not taking the medication to the point of being frantic...not lovely. The food I used to avoid I LOVE the point of gaining 40lbs which is also not lovely. Hope the comments help and good luck.