Meclofenamate sodium (meclofenamate sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Meclofenamate sodium (meclofenamate sodium)

Worked well as an NSAID for several months, then ran out of effectiveness.

MECLOFENAMATE SODIUM (MECLOFENAMATE SODIUM): Meclofenamate is used for the treatment of mild to moderate pain from various conditions (e.g., dental pain, osteoarthritis) and to decrease pain and blood loss from menstrual periods. It is also used alone or with other treatments to reduce pain, swelling, and joint stiffness from rheumatoid arthritis. If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. Meclofenamate is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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severe memory loss and confusion, depression

nausea, vomiting, light headededness,extreme fatigue, falling asleep at any time, violent vomiting.

My situation is different. We can't have anymore kids, but I went on BC for convenience of less periods, lessen my heavy cramps and shorter periods. The first 6 weeks were perfect...though I did notice my face broke out (and it NEVER EVER did before). On 2 occassions I forgot to take the pill and would take two. But at the end of week 6, I started having big deal b/c it was a side effect...but I am now almost done with my 7th week and it went from not worrying, to pantyliners, now wearing sanitary napkins/tampons. My cramps have been continuous and dull up til today when it has gotten worse. I called my gyno right away. I peed in a cup, they did an exam, an ultrasound and everything checked out so far. They also took blood, and he told me to keep taking it til they get results in next week. I was going on a biz trip in Barbados and DO NOT want to worry about accidental spottings and cramps the whole time! I dont know why I have to keep taking it if it's really not a necessity for me. So I'm going to stop taking it til my results come, and see what he says. I work out 3days a week, drink lots of water and do body cleansing...and my weight won't budge, I feel bloated, my pooch has grown though I have been busting my ass working out and eating right. Started noticing in the last few days I am TIRED in the middle of the day and have to nap! This is all so not me. Has anyone been on for 7weeks & stopped? if so, how long did it take the breakthrough to stop?

Terrible, terrible depression and tolerance withdrawal...Symptoms included more anxiety, insomnia, muscle tension, migraines, terrible evil and violent dreams and paralysis, the list goes on.

Just started calf pain when I am also taking Cefdinir.

week 1: nausea, light headed, sleepy, dry mouth, taste in mouth, constipatedweek 2: none - able to cope, smiling, back to normal

shorter periods, prevent pregnancy

I was just taking the cream. I will try a different solution next time. I went to the internet to look for some relief from the burning pain. This product should not be on the market. It causes more problems than it solves.

I was taking Lipitor for about 3 years, I got tired of the soreness and my Dr switched me to Crestor. Guess what?...same problem! Today I can hardly sit still for the muscle soreness. I am also having insomnia ( worse then normal) and constipation, which I have not had a problem with for almost 2 years.I could not figure out why all of a sudden I was getting cramping in my lower legs and many times when I get up, all of a sudden I feel like they are going to give out on me. Well, after reading the posts, I understand it all. I am going to start taking CO Q 10, it helped when I was on Lipitor. Guess because of the heriditary high cholesteral, I do not have much choice if I want to live. That said, good luck to everyone else out there. Thanks for posting, now I know its not all in my head!!

i broke out into hives i want to cry it hurts way more than the yeast infection itself and it keeps getting worse.