Meclizine hydrochloride (meclizine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Meclizine hydrochloride (meclizine hydrochloride)

Side Effects formeclizine hydrochloride (meclizine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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This medication should be taken off of the market ! I did not attribute some of my symptoms to the medicine while I was on it. When I got off of this medicine I experienced the WORST withdrawal symptoms. I felt like I was dying. I could barely sit up. I literally thought I was loosing my mind. Please aware of these possible side effects.

has any one experienced this drastic change? My wife has been off topamax for 2.5 months but the side effects seem to still be in control. i dont know if I should divorce or be patient. She is moody, indecisive about everything, just someone different all together. It all started right after she was on topamax. since she has been off it, she has calmed down, but she is still a different person. I have asked her to get her hormones checked out. Help anyone?

The thing is if you make the wrong decision in brand or dose the affects will make you so miserable it isn’t almost worth doing. You already know what hell you are going to live on the brand and dose you are on. The unknown you soon learn can often be worse. It takes a long time as well. It isn’t like an antihistamine that you can adjust quickly the nightmare of a bad body match with brand and dose can go on for months. The makers of these drugs and the doctors don’t care. They all get paid whether we are satisfied or not. Actually the doctors and drug companies make more money if we are not satisfied with our treatments we search for answers and comfort at our expense. My doctor is a very good and caring doctor but he does not believe that the synthroid is the problem and keeps testing me for MS, Lupas ect..all which keep coming up negative. I never believed in alternative therapies but my chiropractor has been a godsend and has gotten be through this nightmare! I just want to work, travel, hang with my dogs and family and live my life..somebody find it for me I seemed to have misplaced it…if you see it please return and I will look for yours cause this hormone replacement therapy is a living HELL!!!!!!

I ,like so many others switched to Trinessa to save $$ on the copay. BIG Mistake.In the last week I have have had a morning sickeness nausea and have thrown up several times a day or feel like doing so. I feel like im starving all the time probably because im too busy throwing up my insides. I have never had any side effects this severe with any other BC. I have already made an appointment with my doctor this week.

Anxiety and even some panic the first week but was told it may cause some anxiety in the start up phase, so continued on. The next couple days were pure hell, anxiety went to a place I didn't know existed shaking trembling in constant fear. Went into doctor was stopped that day

CARDIOMYOPATHY, rare side effect, I now have severely hypokinetic inferior wall of my heart

I am giving the new bottle of pills a chance for the next week. If I am still having this swelling, I will see my internist to have him check me out and I may have to go on another bp medicine as I cannot deal with this. I already have bad knees and this makes it all the more difficult to walk. I have read some of the other reactions people have had, and I also have muscle weekness, tiredness, muscle pain and muscle twitching. These can also be signs of other medical conditions, however now I am wondering if it has been the Norvasc all along. Don't know what I would take instead as I am allergic to ACE inhibitors.

I've had really bad constipation for most of my life and nothing ever seemed to work. Sometimes I wouldn't go for months, and I eat A LOT. I tried everything from benefibre, fruits, a lot of water, coffee, metamucil, phillips, EVERYTHING. This is the first and only thing to ever work...I'm still trying to figure out the perfect amount to take to get regular. I have a bit of cramping and gas which is a bit frustrating but I attribute that to my dosage discrepancy since it differs everyday. RECOMMENDED

After telling the doctor I am a heart patient he gave me the injection anyway. 2 days later I was in A Fib. Once you go into A Fib you can get it again and again. I should of never got the shot.

generalized anxiety/panic attacks