Makena (hydroxyprogesterone caproate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Makena (hydroxyprogesterone caproate)

I was able to carry two babies to term using this and at the time was highly satisfied because of course healthy babies, but I've had some health problems since then with super short menstrual cycles (15 days) 18 months after having the babies. The doctor has said both times it was because my body wasn't making enough progesterone anymore. I don't really know if it was the drug but before I was pregnant with my second child (first that I used Makena with) I had a very predictable 28 day cycle. I really wonder if my body just won't make its own progesterone anymore. This has also come with terrible migraines where I can't drive because my vision changes and bad mood swings. These are all symptoms of low progesterone. I just wonder.. . but I'd probably do it all again for healthy babies.

The only side effect I felt was itching and the injection site. I was able to go full term with my pregnancy and have a healthy little boy.

MAKENA (HYDROXYPROGESTERONE CAPROATE): This medication is used in women who are pregnant with a single baby, and who have delivered a baby too early (preterm) in the past. It is used to help lower the risk of having a preterm baby again. Hydroxyprogesterone is a man-made form of a female hormone (progestin). It is not known how it works to prevent preterm births. This medication is not intended to prevent preterm birth in women pregnant with more than one baby (such as twins, triplets). It is also not intended to stop active preterm labor. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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