Magnevist (gadopentetate dimeglumine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Magnevist (gadopentetate dimeglumine)

I was injected in 2011 and have experienced horrendous symptoms including terrible bone pain, skin burning, terrible anxiety and insomnia, nausea,interstitial cystitus, brain fog, head pressure. These symptoms have been unremitting until I was able to obtain treatment 2.5 years ago. Symptoms have improved, but the cost is unbelievable and insurance will not pay. I estimate I've spent over $30,000 trying to address the issues.

I was no told I was receiving this poison.

Side Effects formagnevist (gadopentetate dimeglumine) - User Comments


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Regulation and Pregnancy Prevention

None. LOVED the dot! I was clear-headed again, no more hot flashes, got my memory back. It was wonderful. Highly recommended WITH PROGESTERONE SUPPORT! I got uterine cancer, ladies, because I didn't take the progesterone component seriously. If you don't know what I'm talking about, ask your doctor.

My advice is to take half the dose recommended and then wait at least two days before repeating the dose.

UGH! I CANT BELIEVE IT'S LEGAL!On Lupron, I experienced no benefit other than cycle interruption. The lupron did not 'cure me' of or even 'shrink'endometriosis. It had progressed alarmingly in fact during the7 months that I was on it.I had severe menopausal like symptoms, skin & hair changes,continued pain, memory problems, immune disfunction,exhaustion,weakness, frequent bladder & yeast infections, severe depressionand more.Some symptoms, like bone density reduction stuck with me.

There were times that i took them a bit irregularly, and when that happenedd, i had a period for about a month straight. It did prevent pregnancy, which was the main objective.

Blurred vision, dry eyes, and worse of all my wife says every single day "you need a shower! " even though I just took a shower. It's the metalic aroma permeating thru my body. I work in a office and have to spray Lysol before someone comes in because I stink so bad from the Topamax, but I am loosing weight and my blood presure is under control. Peeeyooo, what a way to have to do it though!!! My skin stinks metalic. Went to an eye doctor for the blurred vision. He said eyes are ok, no Glaucoma, no Macular degeneration. Advised me to use Liquid Tears. Made no connection to Topamax! Your medical dollar$ at work!! Go figure.

Increased blood pressure. spaced our feelings at times, tirednessdizziness and irritability (if missed dose)

Lost sex drive almost completely, light bleeding first month and a half of taking it

Excrutiating pain in shoulder got so bad I could not raise my arm above shoulder level, within a few weeks after starting this drug, Then I started experiencing depression, and confusion.