M-zole 3 combination pack (miconazole nitrate; miconazole nitrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for M-zole 3 combination pack (miconazole nitrate; miconazole nitrate)

It was so clumpy when I inserted it, it was still stiff and stuck inside the suppository.

I've had yeast infections before and used various inserts before with no real problems. It seemed like I was getting a yeast infection and I thought I'd better treat it before it got worse. Well, this time my body's reaction to the medicine was different. I used Miconazole 3 a store brand, but same as Monistat 3. The first night, I inserted the medicine and then after several hours I felt burning and itching inside me and couldn't sleep. I used the external cream, but that didn't seem to help. After about 4 hours, it got better. On the morning of Day 2, I noticed a tiny smear of blood and wondered if maybe somehow I scraped myself when I used the plastic applicator. I read the information sheet and it says "a mild increase in vaginal burning, itching or irritation may occur" so I thought that's all it was and the medicine was working. Like an idiot, I used the medicine again on Night #2. O-M-G. The burning and itching started shortly after putting the medicine in and was so i

After reading the info on this website, I now know it's not my period, it's my body's reaction to this horrible medicine. I won't be taking the third dose tonight! My body's reaction to the medication is worse than the symptoms of the yeast infection. How can this medicine still be on the market if it gives so many of us such horrible side effects??? They say "a mild increase" etc. HA, that's no mild increase in itching and burning. The box needs to address the very real possibility of reactions like MAJOR intense FIRE and significant swelling. I don't know if I should take Benadryl to counteract the swelling...? Sigh. I'm climbing back in bed for another nap, if I can.

Side Effects form-zole 3 combination pack (miconazole nitrate; miconazole nitrate) - User Comments


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loss of appitite,nausea,panic attacks,muscle pain,bruising,and feeling like i was looseing my mind.

Feet began tingling by day 5. Very lightheaded. Stopped taking it by day six. Left arm/shoulder feels weak, like a pinched nerve.

I was very nervous about taking the misoprostol based on ratings here and other sites. Here is my experience: 5 pm- took Iburofen 800mg, 6 pm- took Percocet and Zofran (nausea), 7 pm- took misoprostol, allowing to dissolve in cheeks for 45 min, 8pm- mild bleeding, 10 pm-2 am- able to sleep, mod cramping, (feeling like I had the breath knocked out of me, in a way) took 2 more Percocet and 800 mg IBP. 9 am- cramping done, still had some bleeding with clots, but not painful.Much less traumatic than I expected, very little pain. I feel tired today, but am able to be up and about.

I had implanon implanted 2 months after the birth of my youngest child. I used this form of birth control for 6 months before encountering any negative side effects. After that, it became Hell. All of a sudden, my acne came back worse than before after 2 years without a break-out. I began gaining loads of weight, and wasn't even eating a lot at that point (poor appetite). When I began taking it, I weighed 175 lbs and when I stopped taking it weighed a whopping 248 lbs. I felt so disguted with myself over this substantial weight gain. I made it through two pregnancies without ever getting over 200 lbs, and then this happened. Another reason I stopped taking it was because I didn't get my period for the last 9 months I was on it, which made me paranoid. After having it removed, I have yet to regulate my periods. They have been messed up ever since. I also am now working on losing all the unnecessary and unhealthy weight I put on while having it.

bad periods,possible endometriosis

Nurse at office told me she has never seen a reaction like mine in the 25 years she has been a nurse. I would not recommend this product to anoyone and it should be banned!

Flu like symptoms, dry mouth, headaches, mental confusion, lethargy, dry eyes and blurred vision

the side effects were terrible and i ended up with some sort of colon infection caused by the diarrhea which was caused by the emycin. i had to be treated with flagyl to get rid of it.

I love this medicine. For the first time in my life I can go to my friends' houses that have cats and dogs. I can play in the grass and not worry. This medicine has saved my life.

Hbp. Heart rate and atrial fibrila