Lysteda (tranexamic acid) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lysteda (tranexamic acid)

Nausea, vomiting (frequently), sharper pains in pelvic abdomen areas. I felt like my body rejected this medication as if to say, how dare you try to slow Me down. I'll admit, it definitely did decrease my flow a lot. It wasn't effective for pain and the side effects of vomiting are not worth it. Not even medication for nausea was beneficial to me.

Took 2 pills 3 times a day. Only during period days each month. Work the first few hours. Did not feel a thing after it. Lessened the bleeding

Heavy periods from Adenomyosis

Peeing a lot, muscle aches, slightly light headed, mild head aches

I am concerned about long term side effects. Reading reviews it seems month 3 is where the big changes occur? Please advise. I had breast cancer that was hormone fed at age 27. Can't take hormones now so this seemed like a good option

It made me feel anxious and groggy. I had knee, lower back pain, and chest pain while taking it. After the first dose, I dreaded taking anymore. I gave it one more chance and felt just as terrible. I ended up destroying the prescription with that powder RX destroyer that the pharmacy gave me. I’d only take this again if I were bleeding out and it was my only option besides death. I’m now trying NuvaRing for the heavy periods instead.

Constant peeing! Pelvic floor problems!

I will never take it again! I have been suffering ever since!

Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, back pain, achy muscles

Didn’t really help bleeding. Took for 2 days being “ok” then last day body shut down and I’m terrified to try taking it again. This feels horrible.

Took for three days, noticed a major decline in bleeding, but still had horrible cramps. Day 2, called the doctor and left a message that I was retaining water so badly that I could not remove my ring or wear shoes comfortably, which is very abnormal for me. Got a call the next day and he recommended to stop taking it and try again next month. I will not be doing that as I've had a headache and fatigue for three days now after stopping this medication. I'm hoping it goes away soon or it will be another trip to the doctor...

Side effects for me included a headache and VERY tired!

Alright, so here's the thing - this medication worked within an hour. That's good considering I was bleeding through a heavy duty pad every 45 minutes! This is what I didn't like though: I got a bad headache (not a migraine, thank God) and I was tired (very tired) for a solid three days. One of things I did not like as well was the fact that I was still getting rid of clots days after my period technically ended. That was pretty gross to be honest. I did not take this medication for five days. I only took one 650mg pill, three times a day for a little under two days. I honestly think I will take ONE pill for my next period on my heaviest day so I can sleep at night without soaking through. You know, it's pretty gross when you take a shower and reach up there and pull out clots. They feel exactly like dirt. It's nasty.

Took this drug and although it stopped the bleeding it made me feel pelvic heaviness which lead me to feel like I had to per all the time even if my bladder wasn't full. That lead to pelvic floor spasms with burning sensations. 2.5 years later, 5 anti depressants and countless other drugs later and at least 10 specialists and 30,000 spent I'm on my way to a second surgery for botoxinjections into pelvic floor. This drug ruined my life. Made me suicidal.

Taken for the first time last Monday and the only day. Lysteda did the job but not worth it. I had an exploding headache for 2 days which I still have a headache. Major aches, pains and other issues. Not sure if related but extremely moody and I am not a moody person.

Research before taking this prescription.

Not a good choice for me! I took 1 pill the first day of my period within 30 minutes of taking the 1 pill I began to have side effects.... Headache and my body started aching really bad... So done with this medication. Blessings to all the women that has had luck taking it!!!

I had always taken a lesser dose than what was prescribed. Usually 1 pill the first day and 1 pill the second day. It worked great for me that way. It Slowed my periods to a level I felt was tolerable. Recently I increased the dose hoping to end my period sooner. This caused headache.

I have always suffered with heavy periods. Most nights I have to wear a diaper to bed because of the gushing. I have tried three cycles worth and have not noticed a difference in my flow. Very disappointed. Next step would be a hysterectomy :(.

Very active and so was so happy to be able to enjoy my ski trip without having to use the bathroom every hour. Much better option than surgery for uterine fibroids/polyps

I am cureently taking lysteda to stop my abnormal bleeding. I have pcos and suffer from having periods that can last for months at a time. This is debilitating to me and my life. I started the lysteda six days ago and if anything made me feel worse. It has not stopped nor lessened my bleeding in any wayshape or form.I am still bleeding heheavily and passing large clots. This medicine has definitely not worked for me.:(

Headache more like sinus headaches

I have been bleeding for three weeks after taking Lysteda for the first five days of my cycle; Lysteda has not worked for me at all.

heavy bleeding due to fibroids

this medicine is a has helped me so much with my periods. I have a normal life agian and do stuff when im on my period.

Noticed a difference by the time I took my second dose! Periods are much more manageable and not debilitating any more. I would recommend this to anyone suffering from unmanageable periods. I have also noticed since I have been taking it the past several months that even if I do not take it every period that my period is still lighter! For me this was a godsend!

Dysmenorrhea and heavy periods

None that outweighed my dysmenorrhea.

For 5 years since the birth of my youngest, I have experienced the most excruciating pain with my cycle. I have never experienced painful periods before her birth. I also have what my OB suspects as "retrograde blood flow" -- which means the periods were so heavy the blood would flow back up thru the fallopians and into my abdomen. Also, since I got pregnant with my youngest daughter while on BC, I have had reactions to all BC since. I refused an IUD and opted to "suffer" monthly. My OB gave me a sample of Lysteda and it has helped. I still have bad cramping, but the flow is much less, more tolerable and I don't feel like Carrie on prom night.

LYSTEDA (TRANEXAMIC ACID): This medication is used to treat heavy bleeding during your menstrual period. Tranexamic acid works by slowing the breakdown of blood clots, which helps to prevent prolonged bleeding. It belongs to a class of drugs known as antifibrinolytics. Tranexamic acid is not a hormone. It does not treat other menstrual or pre-menstrual symptoms. It does not stop your period. It is not a form of birth control and does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I had never had this drug before, I remember being in the middle of c-section opened wide, I tried to climb off the table.They had to tell me to lay back down. I was very restless afterwards. I told Dr. not to give me cerced, I was "allergic " to it. I have since had a heart-cath,2 carpal tunnel,pacemaker and foot surgery. All without verced. so there are other meds to be used.

I am unusually sensitive to pharmaceuticals, but have rarely experienced such a dramatic adverse effect from the first small dose of a new med. Reactions are of course highly individual.

No side effects but anxiety has seemed to increase

Great gods. This is what's been wrong with me all my life. As a child i was allergic to pollen and cats and put on Tavist - this is where my antihistamine nightmare started. Thinking it harmless, my parents and the school system had me see psychiatrists and put me through a dehumanizing special education wringer. As an adult i started taking Claritin as soon as available, and my life only got worse from there. Picture not being able to hold down a job due to the inattention and emotional issues. Picture becoming so depressed you blow an entire inheritance given to you by your grandfather on illicit drugs, and dropping out of college. Ive only just NOW graduated with my B.S. in Molecular Bio. And all this time thinking that you were innately, genetically screwed up and unfit to live or breed.I want my life back. I want at least 1 million dollars from the PIG drug companies who dont adequately warn you that this kind of thing happens with their pills. I lost my childhood to this --- and most of my adult life. I had no idea that it could be the problem until i took a Drug Development course and learned about the strange similarity between antipsychotics and antihistamines. I didnt confirm it until i read this site and saw many others having the EXACT SAME PROBLEMS.I need a lawyer willing to take my case, and possibly those of others on this site - email at [email protected] as soon as possible

DEPRESSION, EXTREME MOOD SWINGS, weight gain. I honestly didn't feel like myself.

side effects varied as time went by i will try pass these along as they occured

yes it did work took away my cough and then some.(it even took my depression away !) I did't have insurance so I paid like 105$ for 200ml. at wal mart...and the dreams I had while on this stuff...WOW ! I definitely wouldn't drive under the influence of tussionex..but all that said..I took it for a cough and it really took it away .

I am not sure if this drug affects everyone similarly. It did seem to get rid of the uti immediately and the sinus infection is better, but the side effects were not worth the cure.

Have taken before, to good effect, but can no longer take the risk. Make sure to take with food

Dizzy, feeling faint, lightheadedness, fuzzy thinking, numbness in fingers, migraines, occasional swollen lips and ankles.