Lorcet-hd (acetaminophen; hydrocodone bitartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lorcet-hd (acetaminophen; hydrocodone bitartrate)

SEVERE constipation, 'high feeling, irritability

This med helps for my pain but the constipation has gotten so bad I was at the ER the other day because my bowels were literally stuck. I was given a rectal suppository and some oral laxatives which temporarily relieve the situation. It's not just Lorcet that does this I have also taken Norco or just plain Hydrocodone. These meds slow your bowels and it's imperative if you are on them long term to drink plenty of fluids, increase fiber and use stool softeners!!!

Chronic pain from lupus, RA, fibro

I started out on regular Vicodin 5/500's and as time wore on & my pain got worse, my doctor switched me from those to Lorcet 10/650. Now I get LESS acetaminophen daily but more pain relief. This drug has been a LIFESAVER. If not for it, I would not be able to have any semblance of a normal life. I take 1 pill 3x per day with Flexeril 5mgs. Oh, and to combat the constipation... just make sure to drink lots of water, eat a high fiber diet and take Colace or Senokot-S when necessary.

Stomach discomfort - just a feeling of blah. Normal constipation w/narcotic pain relievers.

This was the biggest waste of a copay and a doctors prescription. This medication was made by WATSON - 10mg/650mg - and was awful. No pain relief - a feeling of constant stomach blah - and just an overall feeling of still discomfort.

kidney stone and fx in my back of t

Side Effects forlorcet-hd (acetaminophen; hydrocodone bitartrate) - User Comments


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I feel much more like myself. Although I am not motivated yet the horrible darkness has gone and I have a lot of good days

Shame, until then it was doing a brilliant job controlling BP.

Taken 1000 MG IV for 3 days.. had bad taste in mouth and felt like on speed for hours. Raised my blood sugars to outrageously high levels and not diabetic.. yet anyway. helped the eye problem but now not sure if will have other health issues becuase of this.

iam also taking .25 of xanax twice a day and 7 1/2 mg. of buspar twice aday along with 12.5 mg of pacil cr.

Floaty, bit of trouble focusing, sleep like log! First 2 weeks. Then subsided, function normally, except that my pain remains well under control, am going to ask for slight increase in dosage, due to morning pain, will keep an update set to let y 'all know if this results in new side effects

Micardis has lowered my BP from 145/90 to about 130/75 average and am taking the 80 mg dose. Am not happy with the side effects and would like to find an alternative method to lower my BP without drugs. Would not recomend this medication be taken for long periods of time. I think it would cause damage if taken for more than say 6 months. It is effective though in lowering BP but at too much of a cost to your general health.

I was warned these would be the symptoms so I will keep using the product. The depression is very bazaar and very real but I will not stop because of it. No flu like symptoms or GI issues. The BCC is below my nose over my lip, I place vaseline on my lips at night so the cream does not melt down onto them. While I have it I have been putting on mosaic plantar warts on my foot too!

Severe anxiety, depression, hopelessness, irrational fears, upset stomache

head ache, nausea, loss of appetite, confusion, trouble sleeping, back pain, mood swings, dizziness, joint pain

Seriously sore jaw, just throbbing pain which is easily the worst side effect for me, although the sinus headache and intermittent nausea run a close 2nd & 3rd. This drug (I made the mistake of taking the 24-hour dose) did absolutely nothing for my allergies - I still have the runny nose and sore throat - and the side effects are making me feel like a speed freak. I took the pill at 11 AM, it's now 8:40PM - tomorrow morning can't come soon enough.