Lonox (atropine sulfate; diphenoxylate hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lonox (atropine sulfate; diphenoxylate hydrochloride)

I started to take Lonox once I was diagnosed with IBS. Before I started the pill I was always in the bathroom. Everything I ate made me sick. I was afraid to leave my house, eat out, and just go out in general. When I would get my “attacks” I felt as if I had no control over my body. If I had to go I HAD TO GO. There was no such thing as waiting until I got home. I started to map out public bathrooms that I felt comfortable enough in just in cause I had an emergency on the road and had to go.I’ve felt as if Lonox has given me my life back. I’m able to go out on long trips, eat out, and be me again with out fearing an “emergency”. I was directed to take 2 pills 3 times a day, but it made me constipated and I would cramp pretty bad. What works for me is taking the 2 pills once a day in the morning. I always go to the bathroom within ½ hr of taking the pill, but at least it’s predictable now and I stay regulated. Some days I have to take t

My IBS was causing me to nearly lose my job-Started to fear leaving my house-This drug gave me my life back!

Side Effects forlonox (atropine sulfate; diphenoxylate hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Useful. Not a cue but I do much worse when off of it.

This is a horrible drug BEWARE!!!!!

I used to be fine taking this a few years ago. I am 47 and I am not sure what has changed. It helped with the sinus pressure but made me dizzy.

Took one time to try out, xl at 150mg. felt like I was on speed, started to develop a few hives/ no biggie/ Quit datestarted taking 150mg every day for 10 days/ huge rash/pinkpuffy ichy bloches developed from my stomach/ went down my torso/arms/legs/ looks like the second stage of sypilis/freaked me out. The first couple of days felt euphoricand happy, able to concentrate, later on just felt ''high'' and trippy and medicated. did stop cravings for cigs. stop taking it after 10 days because the rash was too much. still have it3 days after stopping. Smoking again!!

This easily goes down as one of the WORST experiences I've had ever. This prep tastes like garbage!! It is pure evil how bad this thing is. I'm amazed at myself for being able to get the entire solution down as there were so many times I thought I would vomit. I felt so sick after drinking each 6 ounce bottle too. Stay far away from this and ask your doctor if there's another prep option instead should he/she mention Suprep. DO NOT subject yourself to this horrible, horrible drink. It's not worth it!!!

very very good medication. zaps you out of depression and helps anxiety a lot.does take over a month to work; when it kicks in it is tremendously helpful. And I find it a very safe medicine too (despite what a lot of doctors think).

Does help with pain but it is horrible to come off of. Feels like shocks of electricity if I miss a day

The side effects from Ativan, (a benzodiazepine) are horrific sometimes producing paradoxical effects from the symptoms they are designed to treat. I suffered panic attacks, rapid heart beat with arrythmic irregularites, electrical and vibratory sensations, heightened allery, and sinus symptoms, GI disturbance, severe memory and cognitive impairment, extremely impaired judgement, emotinal flatness and many more. See benzoisland.org or benzo.org.uk for a complete list of symptoms, withdrawal schedule and support.

Have tried stopping but am unable to function normally due to muscle spasm etc returning

I have systemic lupus erythematosus