Lo loestrin fe (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lo loestrin fe (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate)

Excessive tiredness, insomnia, trouble falling asleep, no sex drive, irritability, heightened emotions, lack of motivation.

Uncontrollable crying. No appetite. Depression. Anger.

I been taking birth control for around 8 years now. I started in high school for irregular periods. Lately i been thinking of finally getting off of it due to the mood swings it gives you. I feel like i would be much happier with less anxiety once i stop taking it.

- Increased anxiety and stress- Easily being triggered and mad by small things- Weight gain- Sleep disorder- Skin gets better at first then become worse

If the side effect is very severe in the first 1-2 week, maybe this pill is not for you

It worked well in preventing pregnancy, but this is the most unforgiving oral contraceptive. If I take it anything more than an HOUR later than my usual time I get my period later that day. I've spent multiple months having my period every other week because I took my pill at 10 a.m. instead of 9 a.m. Insanley frustrating.

Birth control, PMDD, ovarian cyst

Intrusive/invasive/extreme thoughts (like I was going crazy), anxiety, cramping, bloating, bleeding, headache, swollen breasts, nausea

I am grateful that others have shared their experiences - especially with mental health/intrusive thoughts/mood swings! Ive been on this for 2.5m and had to stop. First month spotted every single day, needed a tampon every day. First period was painful just like my normal pre-BC periods. 2nd month no spotting, but 1.5 weeks leading up to period very crampy every day. Period was totally fine. Halfway through this third month and now extreme cramps, basically on my period, bloated, swollen boobs (this has been consistent the whole time), nausea - but its reached a point where I felt like I was loosing my damn mind!!! Crying, upset, very extreme/irrational thoughts that are not normal for me. I saw a couple bouts of this over the prior 2 months, and thought they were abnormal - but the last week has no low confirmed that for me. Emotions also not normal - almost like an out of body experience, its making me think Im crazy!!

BEWARE! This pill took 6 weeks to start showing side effects for me. WEIGHT GAIN and terrible headaches. This pill sucks! I wish I would've read these comments before starting this pill.

I should have stopped this birth control from the beginning. First of all, I was nauseous for a whole year before it went away first red sign! my boobs would constantly hurt and feel like bricks. I gained 15lbs on this birth control. just recently I've had the worst depression feeling and dissociation EVER. I could hardly function at work because i felt so empty with bad anxiety. while this was all happening I started to spot when it wasn't even time yet, So that's when it clicked that this birth control is messing with me and now reading all these comments I feel less crazy because this pill is NOT GOOD. stopping it immediately and hope to feel better soon.

Starting spotting, full blown period and cramps 2 days weeks after period.

Mood swings, severe depression and anxiety, painful bleeding every 2 weeks, weight gain 14 pounds, uncontrollable cravings, insomnia.

Anxiety and depression. Trouble sleeping and staying asleep. Muscle fatigue and calve cramps sever. Really deep rolling mood swings. Breakthrough bleeding every two weeks. Did not help hair loss and acne at all.

The early menopause is a fair trade off to feeling like jumping off a bridge all the time or trouble working.

I had such terrible headaches/migraines. They were so bad from the pressure that the blood vessels under my eyes broke leaving me with a purple under eye.Terrible water retention, 17 extra pounds of weight, breasts enlarged with extra sensitivity & pain. Stomach cramps & swelling/bloating.No periods after first month. Water retention with the bloating.Tired, with insomnia.Very Depressed with suicidal thoughts & worthless feelings. Didn't want to be around anyone.

Go threw premenopause naturally if you can because this kind of medication isn't worth it. I will embrace this phase of my life naturally.

Extreme depression. Crying non stop. Uncontrollable mood. Suicidal thoughts. Extreme weight gain and bloating.

Severe depression and dissociation

I'm on day 4 and I want to commit suicide really bad I have to stop taking this this isn't right. please dont ever take this. I don't know how I'm going to prevent pregnancy but this isn't gonna work for me. I think it has helped with cramps and lighter flow but it's been making me bloated and feel ugly. if you have an eating disorder or depression do not take this. I feel fat and want to die.

Severe depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, no appetite, serious weight loss, crying all the time every day for 30 days, not able to complete tasks, loss of motivation, fear, guilt, insomnia, anger

Started taking this for pmdd when I was happy. Since I started taking it I've lost my relationship because of my actions while taking this. I've acted irrationally. I've fallen into the deepest depression I've ever been in. I cry all day from the time I wake up until the time I got to bed. I don't even know what to do. I just wanna die to end feeling this way. I had to drop out of school because I'm so depressed that I can't do anything. I've had to work less because I'm so depressed I can't stop crying at my job. It's embarrassing that I've gone this whole month thinking that I was mourning a relationship but in reality it's probably the BC. I hope no one else has to go through this deep of depression I can't even fake happy. I've never not been able to mask my sadness.

Extreme anxiety, blowing irrelevant things out of proportion, crying multiple times a day and inconsolable, felt like every ounce of joy had been sucked out of my body.

My GYN prescribed this to try and help control my heavy and painful periods. It worked physically but I am an emotional wreck.

Bloating- stomach looked like I was 6 months pregnant, extreme weight gain-10 pounds in 2 weeks, very depressed, crying for no reason, nausea, no sex drive at all, dryness, headaches.

Would not recommend, still trying to find a hormone therapy that works for me. Heavy periods, no sleep, rashes, depression and anxiety. Please help drs aren’t.

LO LOESTRIN FE (ETHINYL ESTRADIOL; NORETHINDRONE ACETATE): This combination hormone medication is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains 2 hormones: norethindrone (a progestin) and ethinyl estradiol (an estrogen). It works mainly by preventing the release of an egg (ovulation) during your menstrual cycle. It also makes vaginal fluid thicker to help prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization) and changes the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. This product also contains a small amount of iron (ferrous fumarate) in inactive tablets taken during the fourth week. The inactive pills do not contain any hormones. These tablets are meant to keep you in the habit of taking 1 tablet each day and do not have enough iron to treat iron deficiency. Besides preventing pregnancy, birth control pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease the risk of ovarian cysts, and also treat acne. Using this medication does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This should be a last option drug. I will no longer be taking my required does. I will see my Dr. in the a.m. and she right me another script so I can continue to become well. My throat feels better but the cost associated with the meds to my body has not been worth it.

Only been on it 3 days at 30 mg before moving up to 60 mg tomorrow. So far a bit sweating at night, tired and yawning, a bit of stomach upset and some buzzing type feeling in my arms and legs that comes and goes.

Occasional dizziness when standing quickly or urinating while standing

Severe Exhaustion, loss of appetite, depression, confusion, nausea

I only hope and pray that some of these devastating side effects will be reversed by stopping taking it. I've read once you become diabetic it's irreversible, and I'll keep hoping I get that blood sugar down.

horrible side effects but it sure cleared up the infection very fast. would take again if necessary but would also dread the side effects

Memory loss, sleep eating, online shopping, feeling groggy, spacey the next day, moodiness, lethargy


This med has helped with my tics, however the first time I took it and it being on an empty stomach for lack of better words I was higher than a kite.several yrs back I was prescribed 30mg oxycodone every 4hrs for a horrible abcest and that med was like taking sugar pills to artane. I first thought someone put LSD and amphetamines in my drink, I was caught totally off guard. My only comfort was that I had only made it 1blk before it took effect.I quickly learned to eat before taking med, not during, but before. If you have found yourself prescribed artane, I recommend you eat before taking, and your first time taking artane ,no matter your prescription strength, feel it out before you go out. Or you may be in for a long day. If you have any questions and I can help from strictly explaining my experience with prescribed artane send me an e-mail