Liothyronine sodium (liothyronine sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Liothyronine sodium (liothyronine sodium)

Without it on t4 monotherapy, I am lethargic, prone to sciatica and peripheral neuropathy (not diabetic), joint pain, and in a fog. With it blood pressure is more stable, I have energy both mental and physical, and minimal joint/sciatic pain. I still take 75 mcg of levothyroxine, and take 5 mcg of liothyronine in the AM, noon, and around 4 PM, with 10 mcg before bed to try to mimic circadian patterns. I wish more attention would be paid to the advances being made in deiodinase mutations that impact T4 to T3 conversion so more could be adequately treated.

This generic drug does not do what it is supposed to. Had been on Cytomel for 2 years at same dose, blood pressure was great, not tired or exhausted by noon going good. Insurance changed and was forced to get generic- now blood pressure is not where it is normally(doc wants to see if I need blood pressure medication) and exhausted by noon. I have tried taking an extra one every other day not helping. Can't wait till I can go back on named brand Cytomel.

hypothyroid, on Armour since 13.

Asthma went wild, overheated at 72 degrees, full body sweats, added fatigue & so dizzy and off-balance my ENT ordered a brain MRI scan and started talking about surgery. Glad to find this site!

Added it to my usual 3gr of Armour thyroid, only thing that has worked. Lost nearly three years of my life trying five synthetics for a doctor that did not believe in Armour. Finally got a new doctor, back on Armour over 10 yrs. Better but not perfect. This stuff Totally messed up my body thermostat in July, the very worst time to do this.

Hypothyroid, Unable to lose weight

When walking or even standing still, couldn't breathe. Terrible Sweats. Pounding headaches.

My endo put me on T3 to suppliment my T4. There was a mix up between the doctor and pharmacy and I was given 15mg instead of 5. Was absolutely unbearable! Felt like a wrecking ball was hitting me in the side of the head. Soaked the bed sheets and clothes constantly. Face constantly red. Got back down to right Rx of 5mg. Things got better (only a mild headache vs. pounding one) but still couldn't breathe very well. Had to since stop it and just take my chances. Would not recommend. :(

LIOTHYRONINE SODIUM (LIOTHYRONINE SODIUM): Liothyronine is used to treat an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). It replaces or provides more thyroid hormone, which is normally made by the thyroid gland. Liothyronine is a man-made form of thyroid hormone. Low thyroid hormone levels can occur naturally or when the thyroid gland is injured by radiation/medications or removed by surgery. Having enough thyroid hormone helps you stay healthy. For children, having enough thyroid hormone helps them grow and learn normally. This medication is also used to treat other types of thyroid problems (such as certain types of goiters, thyroid cancer). It can also be used to test for certain types of thyroid disease. This medication should not be used to treat infertility unless it is caused by low thyroid hormone levels. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Major side effect for me was long and detailed nightmarish dreams.My own personal theory on this is two-fold. First, Paxil almost completely eliminated my high anxiety and panic attacks that I was suffering from during my 3 year bout with agorophobia.However the consequence of this is that the internal fears I felt during waking concsciousness were being suppressed so much, that in my dreaming subconscious state the fears came out in a heightened way.After 2 or 3 months the vivid,scary and often grotesque dreams did subside a bit, and after a year or so I became used to them- even learning from them, as I began to explore the recurring themes and patterns. The second reason why I believe this is happening has to do with the chemical make up of the drug and serotonin.Paxil increases serotonin activity in the brain.The chemical makeup of serotonin actually has similar qualities also present in LSD. Paxil itself is a very very mild hallucinatory drug which has accentuated the images, symb

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The first few days were difficut in the sense that I felt a little fast as if I had had one too many cups of coffee. My tummy was a bit upset and I noticed when making dinner for my family that I hadn't eaten all day. After dose 2 of the WellbutrinXL 150 I felt like I had a chance again. I had the energy to accomplish my daily routine. Everything seemed challenging before. Simple tasks like making the kids lunches, packing backpacks and remebering to charge my cell phone before just exhausted me.

1st Shot- aches, headache, fatigue, terrible redness, warmth and swelling at injection site.2nd shot- 10/17. Immediately felt dizzy and faint. Fever, headache, shaking violently, vomiting, horrible muscle aches, arm terribly sore to touch.

I used to have terrible, horrendous cramps and a 7 day full period, until I started taking yasmin. My periods now come on the 28th morning of my cycle. How beautiful it is to plan ahead. Yasmin has also helped (maybe caused) my weight loss. I have lost 15 pounds, which isn't a bad thing, to me atleast. Other bc pills i used to be on would make me dizzy and hormonal. This is a wonder drug for me.

it is expensive and doesnt work! it just made me sleepy the day after taking it. i had bronchitis and the doctor said it was the only med that would help my serve cough. not true.

If any of the other drugs prescribed for osteoporosis are anything like this one, I don't recommend taking it - find a regimen that you can live with after your body has had time to recuperate and heal. I thought I was dying a slow death I hurt so bad all of the time.

I dont know whats diffrent this time but i dont think my body is agreeing with it as it usually causes me no side effects

horrible headache the first morning. then terrible nightmares.

Within an hour of every dose, I have moderate to severe stomach cramps. Coughing subsides somewhat, but not completely. I think the stomach cramps are gonna beat the cough in severity, though. No constipation, just pain.