Liletta (levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Liletta (levonorgestrel)

Bad headaches,migraines, anxiety,depression, insomniaCramps,joints pain, inflammation, high blood pressure,chest,hands,stomach)Dizziness, the only good thing stop my heavy bleeding)But with a lot side effects!!!

Before using a IUD look for the causes of heavy bleeding (my problem was a wicked immune system after covid !That's why I started with heavy bleeding anemia etc.

I had 2 Mirenas prior with no problems. This IUD is NOT just like the Mirena as I was told. I never stopped bleeding, insertion was the worst pain ever! I would not recommend this to anyone!! I hope it gets taken off the market!

I have just about all of themBleeding all the time not just during a periodHigh blood pressure started a month after insertions. 2 months after inserting started with severe chest pain. Immediately after insertion stomach felt very full now when I eat my stomach gets hard and painful. Not able to loose weight. Hair falling out. Anxiety I have never had before the iud. Mood swings. Head aches. Getting it out in 2 weeks and now I hear I will have to go through the iud crash. Oh good more side effects. Worst decision for me personally to get the iud should have just got the ablation 8 months ago I went with this under my doctors advice. Sadly it did not work for me at allI have 90 percent of the side effects

Sciatic pain, numbness and tingling in arms and legs, migraines increased, back pain, abdominal pain, hair loss, low sex drive

Insertion pain was terrible for 4 months. I was trying to avoid a hysterectomy but I am not sure this is better.

Heavy periods and birth control

after about 1.5 years I started getting yeast infections right around when my cycle would start. Took diflucan so much that now it doesn't work for me. Going to get it removed today!

the insertion hurt so so bad but I immediately stopped bleeding and no spotting the whole time I had the iud. I did get some pretty bad cramps associated with my cycle and breast tenderness as well. It was amazing up until the yeast infections started.

To stop heavy menstrual cycles

After a brief couple weeks of bleeding after first having the liletta inserted my periods got much lighter and cramping was minimal. It seems to work great!After having liletta in for 1 1/2 years I am now experiencing abnormal bleeding and have been bleeding for a MONTH! Waiting to get tests back from GYN but I’m considering going to the ER to have it removed.

After the 1 1/2 ur mark I should not be experiencing this abnormal bleeding. I’ve been bleeding for a month now. GYN is still trying to figure out why

LILETTA (LEVONORGESTREL): This product is a small, flexible device that is placed in the womb (uterus) to prevent pregnancy. It is used by women who want to use a reversible birth control method that works for a long time (up to 4 years). The device slowly releases a hormone (levonorgestrel) that is similar to a hormone that women normally make. This device helps prevent pregnancy by making cervical fluid thicker, interfering with sperm movement, and reducing sperm survival to prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization). It also changes the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. If a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus, it passes out of the body. This device may also stop the release of an egg from your ovary (ovulation), but this is not the way it works in most women. Using this product does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Only a dry nose and possibly nose membranes bleeding a little

After 2 days taking these meds I noticed a huge positive change in my abdominal bloating and stool consistency caused by the blastocystis, but then Flagyl reared it's ugly head. On day 3 I was floored with flu like symptoms much like I've read from other posters. I had to stop any form of exercise as my muscles cramped easily. This is a rough round of meds and I'm still slowly recovering from these side affects after being off of it for more than a week. My appetite is slowly coming back, my stomach has intermittent clenching pain, but my energy has rebounded fully and I'm able to exercise and not feel a need to go to bed two hours earlier than normal like when I was taking Flagyl. I recommend taking this medication during periods of light work and/or responsibilitiesd because it is very disagreeable. By the looks of other posters, it seems that these are common responses.

muscles aches specially in back of legs, memory weakened, fatigue, lack of sexual drive ,and more recently muscle inflamation in my shoulder and upper arm, taking medication for it .

Birth Control/ Regulate Periods

Somewhat metallic taste, although more like concrete but isn't as bad if dosage is altered (1 one day, 2 next, 1 next, and so on)seems to be better now. Dizziness - to the point I fainted once. Loss of appetite - tough to force food in order to take drug. Very itchy, but so is the condition so not sure if its worsened by the drug. Slight numbness in fingers.

If I am late in taking my second dose, coming down off this drug is tough. I get severely irritated and rage-y. However - This drug has really made a huge difference in my life. It helps so much with the EDS related to the sleep apnea. I take it with provigil as well.

Pain to the bottom of my heels> I do not have foot issues.

I had acne when i was in high school but it had started to clear up but OTC helps that as well I've noticed and Im 23. The only bad part for me was that I had a lot of cramps during the first month of the pills but doing good now. I am also beginning to wonder if they are affecting my eyesight. I wear contacts and glasses and my vision seems to be getting worse. They never seemed to be this bad before the pills. I have to set up an appointment w/ my eye doctor to see what's going on. Hope all is well.

I take vicodin for relief of aches and pains in neck and shoulder area which come and go. I sometimes take only half of one or I take a whole one, but never more than one in a 24-hour period or even a week's period for that matter. I use it occasionally, on average twice a month. I am keenly aware of its addictive nature, so I moderate usage to avoid that. I'm lucky so far that I've been able to take it occasionally, because sometimes Advil just isn't enough and I need to escape the pain full stop! It relaxes me too, which is a nice

I would avoid in the future.The cure was as bad as the infection