Lidocaine hcl viscous (lidocaine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lidocaine hcl viscous (lidocaine hydrochloride)

Had a dose immediately before Upper GI endoscopy/ultrsound. Wore off 10 minutes into procedure. Had to stop as even sedation could not stop my gagging/wretching. Glad I didn't remember.

LIDOCAINE HCL VISCOUS (LIDOCAINE HYDROCHLORIDE): See also Warning section. Viscous lidocaine is used to relieve pain and discomfort from a sore throat/mouth. It is also used to numb the lining of the mouth and throat before certain medical/dental procedures (such as dental impressions). This numbing helps prevent the urge to close the throat (gag reflex), which might make the procedure more difficult. Lidocaine belongs to a class of drugs known as local anesthetics. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I hate the shot. i have had a horrioble weight gain over 75lbs now and i hate sex and i get dry really easy. i have horrible pain while having sex. my life has just been rough for 6 months now and the doctor told me it would be a year before it will be all out of my system. dont get the shot. of depression and mood swings are horrible. my one doc thought i was bi polar til they saw what i was on.

Felt light headed. Was lying in bed sick when I took it. Didn't get up for a couple of hours and when I did I noticed that I was pretty woozy. I looked at the label and it said take a teaspoon. I had taken a tablespoon of it. Misread on my part. Guess you really need to be careful about following directions. This is very potent medication. I didn't take much more than the prescribed amount and it really made me feel light headed and spacey. From the posts I'm reading about it on this site it sounds like some of you are chugging this stuff. I would seriously not recommend that. This medication is NOT something to play with. I'm 220 lbs and just an additional teaspoon had me feeling like I could fall over. I think there should be some stronger wording on the label about this medicine. Don't be fooled just because it's cough syrup. This is a narcotic and it will seriously mess up your day.

None. More energy but that's a good thing :)

Worked wonders on my depression, but the weight gain and effects on my heart are causing me to go off of the drug.

Its helped me out With my mouth sore.But had 2 pay the price.With all the side effects.

Sweating, exhaustion, rapid heartrate.

Dizzy,tired,feeling like I was drunk, head fuzzy, getting dead legs when sitting for a while pins and needle feeling up anus and bottock. Terrible just on low does

Within 1 hour of taking 1 pill I became extremely nauseous. It lasted about 2 hours. I was pleased to find this website, but greatly concerned about all the effects others are reporting. I will NOT be taking this drug again.

I have more energy. It may have helped me lose a bit of weight. I am more motivated to take care of my affairs. Possible increase in hair loss. Shriveled turtling testicles. I sleep less. Ready to wake up and start the day.

It controls my menopause symptoms flawlessly. That said, I think the side effects may kill me. Back to the drawing board.