Lidocaine hcl (lidocaine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lidocaine hcl (lidocaine hydrochloride)

helped somewhat with herpes blisters pain

LIDOCAINE HCL (LIDOCAINE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used on the skin to stop itching and pain from certain skin conditions (e.g., scrapes, minor burns, eczema, insect bites) and to treat minor discomfort and itching caused by hemorrhoids and certain other problems of the genital/anal area (e.g., anal fissures, itching around the vagina/rectum). Some forms of this medication are also used to decrease discomfort or pain during certain medical procedures/exams (e.g., sigmoidoscopy, cystoscopy). Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that works by causing temporary numbness/loss of feeling in the skin and mucous membranes. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Gerd tummy pain diarrhea bad legs can't stand for long.

The Remicade worked fairly well on my Colitis symptoms. Now that I can't take Remicade, my doctor is not hopeful that I can take other drugs and is suggesting that surgery is my best option.

The stuff works great... Sometimes. And when it DOES, it's only for about a third of the time it says it should last. I have NEVER gotten 24 hours out of it. On the other hand, my allergies are pretty extreme. So I would recommend it to someone with less severe allergies. As for people like me, I'm planning on asking my doctor about something stronger.

Premature aging, sexual side effects, hair loss, corticosteroid induced psychosis, seizures, irregular heart beat, shortness of breath, vomiting, thinning of skin, skin atrophy, acne, buffalo hump, weight gain, moon face, muscle turned to fat, dry eyes, stretch marks, joint pain, sore throat, nervousness, mood swings, euphoria, rage, sadness, violent nightmares, bruises all over body, night sweats, redness in eyes, itching all over, couldn't sleep, oh and worsening of my symptoms.

Really did wonders for my anxiety and depression. Made me feel very happy. My only complaints are regarding the lethargy and sexual side effects. Other than that, it's been wonderful.

I started at 25 mg at night for 3 days, moved up to 25 morning/25 night, now am taking about 50mg morning/50 night - I will continue until at 200 mg but refuse to go any higher than that because of hairloss and other reasons. Every once in a while there are 5 minute periods where I feel depressed...and I have even had moments at night where I have pretty dark thoughts in bed but I shut them out very easily, just don't know how or why they come. Not very like me at all. I'm a happy person with two beautiful kids and a husband. I just hope to see some results. (FYI wellbutrin has helped me with 15lb weight loss)

I'll never take this crap again!

Having trouble falling asleep like my body is trying to have sleep apnea, up/down heartbeat. Im tired but i can't fall asleep. Works good on muscle pain though. I would take thisearly in the day if you need to take this. I think I'm going back to good ol' Advilthough. I need sleep..

Totally worth a little tummy trouble to clear up my sinus infection.

I feel like lamictal is a wonder drug. After trying other anti-convulsant medications (carbatrol, etc) that put me in a constant fog and adversely affected my memory and concentration, starting this drug made me feel like I got my life back AND it controls my seizures. But the excessive night sweats are AWFUL. I actually found this site because I was trying to figure out what was causing them.