Levora 0.15/30-21 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Levora 0.15/30-21 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel)

Breakouts were regular, usually before and during period, lighter periods, mood swings after period, no weight gain, helps with cramps, no depression signs

Sore Breasts/always hard nipples (a do not touch them or I will kill you hurt), mood swings are out of control, stressed, headaches, fatigue, no desire to want sex, in a "do not care" kind of mood all the time, no noticeable weight gain, depression, no desire to do anything.

Will and continue to take them until I speak to my doctor about another type of pill. Was on Depo before and this was the better alternative. With the Depo I bled for the entire duration; which was 3 months. I was highly emotional and cried or hated everything.

Pros: no weight gain, lighter and shorter periods, no babiesCons: mood swings, yeast infections, worsened acne (HUGE zits)

fatige, nasuea, constipation,low sex drive, pain in stomach

im not sure wether or not to use i have to continue using untill i research about a better bc.

after 15 years, a bit moody, IBS got a bit annoying

Overall, this was a great BC solution for me.

weight gain, hair loss, emotional and irrational

Horrible, Horrible drug. My doctor switched me from another bc to shorten periods. Helped me in no way. Do not use.

Cramps, bloating 3 weeks of heavy bleeding, mood swings, nausea, vomiting, and depression

This has made me a miserable person!

Side Effects forlevora 0.15/30-21 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) - User Comments


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Works great, but have been seeming to need slightly more as I have gotten older. (20 yrs) it is very addictive. Evrytime I have had to do with out it us such a bad with deal. That I need to go er.

this medication should have warning signs, listing patients have had bad panic attacks and depression side effects. not a good medication

extreme joint pain, primarily in knees, swollen joints in 2 fingers, major problem with thinning hair, weight gain especially in waist & abdomen, increased cholesterol, rashes on head, extreme vaginal dryness, constipation

Drug worked well for depression, made me more outgoing and less sad, and reclusive.

Botox is the only thing that has helped my migraines. Doesn't completely resolve the migraine symptoms, but severely reduces the pain in about a week to ten days after injection. First couple of times didn't show big improvement. Third time on and beyond was the charm.

I have almost comletely lost my sex drive and then the 7 days I am off I am crazy because that's all I can think about. I feel a little hazy while I'm taking it. Overall though, I'd say Seasonale is totally worth it. I'm very pleased with the results.

I came off nearly 3 weeks ago. First week slight nausea. Appetite back to pre drug. Weight is now coming off. No major withdrawal at all. Im happier now than i have been for months.

At .25 did not have any symptoms and started losing weight, about 5-7 pounds, the first 2 weeks. A month later, I went to .50, and that is when all the fun began. Incredible gas, awful smelly disgusting burps, severe painful stomach bloating, nausea, some vomiting, very frequent diarrhea. I felt many times like I was dying. Ended up in the ER twice for IV fluids, medications and a whole battery of tests including an abdominal CT. The CT came back abnormal but no one can really say how that happened or what is wrong with me. I suggested that the Ozempic was causing this, but the doctors said probably not. But after reading all these reviews I say most likely the Ozempic. This is a miserable existence that no one should have to go through.

Aged skin, sore mouth all the time, headaches, sore tongue,Mouth sores of all kind, massive addiction to the stuff. reduced vascularity in extremities, very easily frost bitten.

Within 30 minutes of taking this medication - My back felt like I had a bunch of little pimples that just popped up on it and it itched like crazy. Not thinking it was the meds at this point, I asked my Mom to check if I had any pimples and to itch my back. She took one look at my back and said there were no pimples but my entire back looked like it was sunburn. Thank GOD I never took anymore of the pills!