Levobunolol hydrochloride (levobunolol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Levobunolol hydrochloride (levobunolol hydrochloride)

Not really sure, some shortness of breath, energy

Side Effects forlevobunolol hydrochloride (levobunolol hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Within a few hours of taking my first tablet I experienced a horrible bout of vertigo while out and had to sit on the pavement while being sick. It wasn’t until the following day I made the correlation between the two things. 48 hours on and I’m still waiting for the nausea to wear off although improving. I think it might help with pain but I will never take again as the side effects are more than I can personally handle.

It really is an insidious drug. Helped me get to sleep. However, it has gotten to the point where I have hardly any short-term memory. I am weening myself off and am down to 25MG a night. I just hope I can multi-task again.

disgusting clumpy white discharge that IS NOT YEAST, i went to the doctor alarmed and everything was fine, but intercourse is extremely messy and embarassing.

I had the worst diariah for 2 days then went to a and e they told me to keep taking them I still feel terrible after 7 days of them will never take them again I would rather be ill I have never felt so dizzy tired or depressed in my life I think these tablets were made by the devil

Worst thing ever, HR while brushing my teeth 150, gave me mania after few weeks, numb emotions, got off cold turkey since was on a lowest dosage after 3 months, currently experiencing withdrawal for over a month and don't see an end to this

EXTREME anxiety, dizziness, feeling like I was "outside of my body", insomnia despite being exhausted, mood swings, constant up and down of emotions

Arm soreness at injection site.

It works very quickly and effectively if you use it occasionally, but I notice how much of a tolerance I build up in a short amount of time.

I have clear discharge with red particles that look like period remains. I'm glad I read all these reviews because now I know there's nothing wrong with me. I scheduled an appointment with gynae because I thought I'm developing a cancer of some sort.

PC that went to my pelvis bone