Levetiracetam (levetiracetam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Levetiracetam (levetiracetam)

nausea, frequent confusion, memory problems, frequent bouts of crying for no reason, complete loss of libido, difficulty speaking, difficulty writing/typing, forgetting to do things (like eating/sleeping), difficulty with simple math.

Stopped the seizures, but I came close to losing my job and my wife. Neurologist now thinks that the cognitive troubles were mostly due to the location of the affected foci causing the seizures in the first place.

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LEVETIRACETAM (LEVETIRACETAM): Levetiracetam is used with other medications to treat seizures (epilepsy). It belongs to a class of drugs known as anticonvulsants. Levetiracetam may decrease the number of seizures you have. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I WILL NEVER TAKE THIS MEDICATION AGAIN!! I took 1 pill a few days back and a day later i thought i had food poisoning and was in bed for 2 days due to nausea and weakness! I took 2 pills this evening and immediately i started to feel very ill! I thought it was something id eaten but nobody else was sick in my house and we all ate the same thing. I even tried making myself throw up hoping i would feel better! Then it dawned on me I had taken EXCEDRIN MIGRAINE so i got the bottle and read the side effects, then got on line to find out more info. about this product!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THERE ALLOWED TO SELL THIS OVER THE COUNTER!! I'M EITHER TAKING THIS MEDICATION BACK TO THE STORE FOR A REFUND OR THROWING IT DOWN MY TOILET!! ILL SUFFER WITH MY HEADACHE NEXT TIME!!

Hot flashes, night sweats, thinning hair, facial hair growth, deepening of voice, heart palpitations, bone pain.

Sharp pain inside the head, changes in the FOV, irregular HR.

Pregabalin can destroy the nervous system. The doctors do not recognise this yet. If you do get sick from damaged nerve ending its very unpleasant, can even stop you from walking. If this does happen you will be on your own as there in no way to treat it. As well, is it is hard, if not impossible to diagnose. Your life will be over. This has happened to me and has completely destroyed my life. please do not take this poison.

I had a course of these but had to stop on day 3, wish I'd have never bothered. Ended up sitting in the out of hours service because i thought there was something seriously wrong with me. the side effects need to be discussed in detail as they seem to be very common.

I was trying to control my BP with diet and exercise alone but it didn't work. After a course of treatment with other BP meds - none of them worked -- I was given Benicar HCT by a new doctor. Within the first 3 days my pressure went from 190/100 to 130/70. I have now been on it for 4 years, and my pressure is consistently 120/80 or below. I am thrilled with the results and am very happy with the medication.

Severe anxiety attacks, fatigue (as in I couldn't walk from one room to the other without having to sit down. Severe nausea, kidney pain. I stopped taking this med 4 days ago and new side effects are still appearing. Today I am dizzy and have facial nerve pain.

I am currently taking ortho tri cyclen lo and hate it. I lost my sex drive and am extremely irritable and tired all the time. I also feel bloated and depressed more than normal. The first birth control pill I tried was the regular ortho tri cyclen years ago and had none of the above symptoms. I went off it for many years and when I chose to go back on to birth control, I couldn't remember if I had been on the regular or the lo version so I told them to give me lo. I will be seeing the doc tomorrow to tell her about my symptoms and go on the regular version of the pill. I'm hoping this will clear up all my negative symptoms. Thanks to everyone for their reviews. I thought I was going crazy!

Drugs don't tend to affect me, and this was one of them. I'm still annoyed at my doctor for not switching me earlier - I just didn't know any better at the time. No effects at all.

A friend of mine and I were prescribed Cymbalta around the same time. (This fact probably coincided with a marketing campaign designed to line physicians' pocket books with hundred dollar bills for every Cymbalta RX they wrote). BOTH MY FRIEND AND I HAD THE VERY SAME SIDE EFFECTS!!!!! The side effects were HORRIBLE! We both: felt like hurting someone---hitting, injuring, beating up somone, etc. Neither one of us are like that AT ALL! Also, Cymbalta made us both feel like ZOMBIES! Cymbalta sneaks up on you and you don't even know that your whole world has changed almost over night. Cymbalta makes you go insane! Believe me....you don't EVER want to take this drug! You will sit and stare like a madman or madwoman. You will lose the "will" to do anything----- and you have violent thoughts constantly going through your head.