Letrozole (letrozole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Letrozole (letrozole)

Joint and muscle aches, reduced agility. Tired, decreased motivation. Anxiety.

Crippled with pain from neck across shoulders needed pain killers but still unable to function

Aches and pains all over. Causing severe pain in heels of my feet. I sit down to alleviate it, but when I get up, after sitting for only a few minutes, I'm stiff, can't walk and the pain is still there. Very irritable, paranoid, anxious... Tired all the time, but can't get a good, deep sleep at night.

I have to take Letrozole for 9 more years. I don't know if I can do it. It's a question of quality of life as opposed to quantity of life. I would love to have both, but don't know how that will be possible!

Hot flashes, night sweats, severe back pain, difficulty sleeping, irritability, hip pain, memory loss, blurred vision, some hair loss, increased anxiety, sleepiness during day, constipation

Hot flashes are lessening, back pain is worse, constipation is very difficult to treat, in spite of vegetarian diet, with lots of fruit, veggies, fiber. Stool softeners & laxatives don't help much.

pains in hips, hands, knees. Very emotional - cried many times each day - did not realize it was due to medication until, a week or so after I stopped it I realized I was not crying anymore.

LETROZOLE (LETROZOLE): This medication is used to treat certain types of breast cancer (such as hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer) in women after menopause. Letrozole is also used to help prevent the cancer from returning. Some breast cancers are made to grow faster by a natural hormone called estrogen. Letrozole decreases the amount of estrogen the body makes and helps to slow or reverse the growth of these breast cancers. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Singulair reduced his suseptibility to colds. Since birth he got many colds despite being breastfed. Nearly 2 years ago, the colds got to where he wasn't over one when the next began. Finally, 18-months ago, Dr. said Singulair would reduce inflamation and give him time to heal and fight off colds. I resisted initially, but eventually agreed because he was always sick. As his health improved, he gradually became more anxious, contrary and down on himself. I thought problems were school related. But now his behavior has dramatically improved in last month since we began weening him off singular -- preschool teachers who had noted anxiety (and didn't know about sing. change) told me wide-eyed last week that they had never seen him so well behaved and willing to work. This is not just a matter of blaming medication for behavior problems as one writer below said.

Was on prozac that stopped working. Switched to Lexapro. No more depression. Works great.

Extreme paranoia ! Very hateful! Angers in a instant!

Although there seems to be a lot of side effects, this is still way better than managing the pain of endo. I was regularly taking a multitude of pain killers just to get through the day & it led to me being so stressed I suffered dramatic weight loss. On Zoladex, I feel like myself again. No more pain but I'm still spotting. After the second injection, I felt feverish and ill but I think this is due to the implant going too deep. I haven't needed to take any strong pain killers since I've been on it. Occasionally, I'll need paracetamol but that's it. The side effect which annoys me most is the forgetfulness, I'm far less efficient at my job now but my coworkers are patient! My advice is to write important things down. I've got another 4 months of this before endo surgery then IVF - I'm hoping to go through the process without ever having a real period!

Extreme weight gain and the worst moods in the whole world.

Stop bleeding before total hystorectomy

anxiety/panic, akathisia(recent)

I'm a bit concerned about the dosage I'm having to take to ease my pain (240 mgs twice a day = 480 mgs) and titrating higher every couple of months. But in a sense, it has given me my life back. I wouldn't be able to continue working without it. It has been a godsend for those of us who need it for severe pain. Too bad there are idiots out there who risk its continued availability by abusing it.

I took ONE 150mg (once-monthly dose) of Boniva on Oct. 3, 2005 and about two weeks later began experiencing severe bone, joint, and muscle pain in both my shoulders. This occurred spontaneously, without any trauma or injury. I didn't take any more Boniva, but I still have the severe pain together with limitation of motion in both shoulders, my neck, and collarbone.

I am very happy with the citalopram. I used to be have severely bad anxiety and it caused problems in my relationship. It took about a week for the initial side affects to go away so I do recommend that someone just starting to give this a chance.Unlike some others, I don't have a decrease in sex drive, nor am I tired all the time. For me, this is a miracle drug. I smile more, but still get upset and anxious at appropriate times. I didn't loose feelings at all, just the irrational anxiety.I can walk into a restaurant alone and be alright, whereas before, I wouldn't ever. I can go to places I've never been before.Citalopram has opened up my life.