Letairis (ambrisentan) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Letairis (ambrisentan)

terrible headaches, migraine-level which started about 30 minutes after taking the tablet every day.

Letairis lowered my pulmonary pressure by 10 points (which was not nearly enough) but the headaches were debilitating so after 6 months, my doctor took me off Letairis. I stayed on the other 2 pulmonary hypertension meds I was on.

LETAIRIS (AMBRISENTAN): Ambrisentan is used to treat high blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary arterial hypertension). This condition is thought to be caused by increased levels of a certain natural substance (endothelin-1). This medication blocks the effects of endothelin-1, thereby helping to decrease the blood pressure in the lungs, slow the worsening of symptoms, and improve your ability to exercise. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Gets rid of the severe headaches quickly with no adverse effects, but my MD told me today there can be severe ones, thus my visit to this site.

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I took it for five days, stoped it now for 2 days, but it's killing me!!!!I can't sleep at all because of the heartburn.I am soooo sad, because I was healthy, and now I feel I will never get better again! Because of this stupid drug I have experienced every pain that I never had before! DON'T TAKE IT!

No adverse side effects so far

I will never get back on Premarin. Heart desease is not worth it. I plan on trying organic supplement.

Always loved this birth control. Never gave me any side effects. I just went off of it for 2 months and recently started again but this time on the generic brand Zarah 28. I went to bed tonight a tad hungry (I guess I ate dinner to early) and took my pill around 12 midnight. I woke up with extreme nausea and cramping at 5am this morning. I hope it is the pill. I can't see what else it would be. I've also had bad cramps and been spotting for 5 days now. A few days ago my spotting was so bad I had horrible cramps resulting in diarrhea that lasted about 3 hours.I hope this is just a side effect of my body getting used to it again. I feel so sick right now I'm having trouble typing but closing my eyes gives me such spins. This is strange because when I was on it all these past years I never noticed this.

OMG..I've gained 15 lbs and become sooo lethargic..it has caused depression and its hard for me to get going in the morning. I used to work out like a mad woman, now I could care less..haven't worked out since I started taking the medecine. I am getting off this on Monday!! Do not take this medecine, especially if you have ever had depression issues, it makes it so much worse. This medicine sucks!!!!!