Lessina-28 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lessina-28 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel)

Extreme weight gain, horrible mood swings, extreme anxiety, random crying fits, very emotional.

The pain associated with my monthly ovulation and monthly menstruation were both reduced, not completely. However, the anxiety, mood swings, emotional fits, and weight gain issues were too extreme to justify taking Lessina anymore.

Rapid weight gain if 15 poundsHair lossBloatingAnxietyBlurred visionHeadachesVaginal drynessBut less cysts and less yeast infections

Boobs were sore, chest pains, horrible cramps(worse than before) but light bleeding, terrible abdominal pains, nausea, i did vomit once, anxiety was bad, and had terrible crying episodes(during school)

This is the first birth control I have been on, this makes me not want to try any other kind of birth control

small acne all over my face, angry mood swings and bipolar episodes as well as my anxiety was through the roof all the time. I bled for the first 6 weeks of being on it. Would not recommend. No pill had done this to me before

Weight gain (25-30 lbs), acne, angry mood swings, constantly sore boobs.

It's a very sucky pill, at least for me... I was kinda hoping NOT to gain a freshman 15 but lessina had other plans for me!

Birth control and skip periods

I had mood swings, break outs, low sex drive,. The worst was nipple disharge... I was producing a milk like substance :( I was on Nuvaring before this for 4 years never had any problems. Only switched for financial reasons

Only complaint is I've become very emotional.

I was on Yaz for 2 years but started to experience vein swelling and pain in my legs. Along with permanent spider and Varicose veins in my legs!!! At only 23, so upsetting:( Anyway I switched to Lessina, and now 6 months in I am plagued with erythema nodosum (red swollen painful lumps in legs) which is an immune response I'm having to Lessia. So I'll now be geting off Lessina :(

Side Effects forlessina-28 (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) - User Comments


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After my first shot I could feel the difference in my breathing. When I had my second dose I felt worse a few days after receiving it. During both doses my back hurt constantly and I had mild headaches throughout the day. I was plagued with fatigue, but I guess being a type 1 diabetic doesn’t help any either.

depression went away, so it did what the doctor claimed it would


Benadryl, claritin, showers, lotion...nothing helped the itch. The doctor took me off bactrim immediately.

I love this pill!!! It totally made my heavy awful period into 1 day light flows, no weight gain, no more awful moody PMS, I stay emotionally stable now! Also, unlike other pills I've tried (ortho tri cyclin low, ovcon 35) my sex drive didn't go down...the BF likes that!

had severe reaction to Haldol with muscle spasm. Had reaction instantly with severe muscle spasms. after 7 days still experiencing severe muscle twitching in limbs and face

Intense itching all over my body but mostly in my scalp. Also developed rashes on my arms, neck and face.