Leflunomide (leflunomide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Leflunomide (leflunomide)

Diarrhea, stomach pain, back pain. This was very odd symptoms, the pain was so severe I had to go to the emergency room. I thought I was having gallstones, hernia or appendicitis...the ER doctors didn’t seem to think it was medication related, because he was not familiar with RA medications he said...I also had hair loss and very dry skin.

Just read all of the possible side effects and dont think its you!

LEFLUNOMIDE (LEFLUNOMIDE): This medication is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, a condition in which the body's defense system (immune system) fails to recognize the body as itself and attacks the healthy tissues around the joints. Leflunomide helps to reduce the joint damage/pain/swelling and helps you to move better. It works by weakening your immune system and decreasing swelling (inflammation). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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depression & med induced paranoia

Well, I have been on it for 3 months and I am very happy. I have no mood swings, I am able to laugh, cry, be sad, etd. at the proper times. I heve experinced some side effects. the speed feeling for a few weeks, bad orgasms ok now, sleepy, it is going away, missed a dose and had that weird head syndrome. I was a heavy beer drinker and now cant stand the taste of alcohol of any kind! I liked drinkng and the Effexor took that away.Saves me $$$.Kinda took to coffee real heavy though it has been tapering off. I may have weight gain as I quit the beer thing of at least 6 pK A and I have lost no weight. But I am happy. Oh yea, I am kinda having a hard time thinking of certain words at times.

Absolutely amazing! No bleeding! Still cramping, but its only been about 3 weeks.

I was taking lunesta for stress related insomnia. i experienced the most horrifying hallucinations. it seem like a twilight sleep and the hallucinations appeared so real. i awoke screaming and my son had a difficult time consoling me. I will never take this medication again

In this day I can't tell if I have a cold, the flu, covid, or side effect from the vaccine.

Severe shoulder pain. Muscle pain in all limbs. Pain in hip replacement site!.. Diarrhoea 2xweek for 3months. Stool sample checked&clear. Switched to risedronate after painful effect of one Prolia jab. In despair now.

Very painful muscle aches especially in calves and lower back. The pain is especially bad in the morning and it is very hard to get out of bed in the morning.

I had been taking Wellbutrin SR for approximately 4 1/2 months until I decided to increase the dosage, due to a decrease in energy and sexual libido from Prozac (80MG) so I went from 150 MG to 300 MG of Wellbutrin SR. Well, things were going great, until I had a Grand Mal seizure. I was sitting at the computer doing my math HW, when, as my dad explains, I got extremely frigid, losing consciousness, and began convulsing for about 2 minutes. I didn't breath for 30 seconds, which isn't too long, but too long for me! I was taken to the ER, awaking as the ambulance arrived. I still have pain on my tongue from biting down, and my muscles are sore and stiff. It has been exactly one week today. I would not recommend this medication to anybody, but that is just my experience. They say 1 out of 250 people taking this medication will experience a seizure. Good luck!

It did also seem to start decreasing the post nasal drip today

i have been taking it for a week and i have lost only two pounds of weight and, slight headache, oily stool, accident this morning:( i was little upset, i keep cleaning supplies for toilet because of the orange oily nasty thing, and i am thinking to quit it.