Laxilose (lactulose) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Laxilose (lactulose)

I had awful abdominal pain due to "trapped gas" & incomplete evacuation. I ended up in ER; CTscan turned up no impaction or anything. A nurse tried an enema which didn't work. Finally I was given lactulose & that did it. / Since that trying time (4 mths ago)I discovered peppermint oil caps relieve pain but if I ever get that screwed up again I'll know what to ask for.

Within 10 minutes of taking my first dose (1TBSP) I started to feel 'off'. I began to feel weak, dizzy and spaced out. I tried looking for the 'severe side effects' for this medication because it really was begining to feel as if I was getting a real buzz from it, which was not becoming a pleasant experience.Finally after about 20 searches, I found a site that said: If you experience dizzyness, trouble swallowing, lack of muscle strength, coordination and rash, go to the hospital immediately.Which is exactly what happened!Rushed to the hospital - my throat began to close up, had trouble breathing, bp dropped, my mouth and face muscles began to involuntarily pucker up, and I almost fainted several times. I had a rash that went from the top of my neck to the bottom of my stomach and also on my hands and chest. It was hell!Apparently I was having quite a serious allergic reaction to this medication, and apparently it is rare. I don't have any other problems aside from hypothyr

If you feel anything 'funny' - don't take a chance and go to the hospital!

LAXILOSE (LACTULOSE): This medication is a laxative used to treat constipation. It may help to increase the number of bowel movements per day and the number of days you have a bowel movement. Lactulose is a colonic acidifier that works by increasing stool water content and softening the stool. It is a man-made sugar solution. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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