Lastacaft (alcaftadine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lastacaft (alcaftadine)

I use this for eye allergies during allergy season that antihistamine and nasal corticosteroids alone won't treat. Lastacaft is expensive, yet effective. The bottle is only 3mL! Wow.

LASTACAFT (ALCAFTADINE): This medication is used to prevent itching of the eyes due to allergies. Alcaftadine is an antihistamine. It works by blocking a certain natural substance (histamine) that causes allergic symptoms. Do not use this medication to treat red or irritated eyes due to wearing contact lenses. Contact your doctor for further instructions if this occurs. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I had no idea what an evil poison this is. My doctor never told me any of the side effects but since then I have learned of so many people with the same problems.Taking 200 mg/day of COQ10 has helped immensely as well as the potassium of bananas.

Too many side effects, I need to change to another med not doing well finding one that suits me, all those side effects and it really doesn't do a great deal for my blood pressure, it's all over the place I sometimes get a decent reading of 125/85 but it's mostly 146/94 or higher it definitely doesn't bring it down and keep it down, time to try yet another bp med.

very good for pain including fibromyalgia, a nerve pain from earlier shingles. A great relief to be pain free for 3-4 weeks.

sleeplessness after 1 week of taking 4mg. night terrors, waking 3 to 4 times a night screaming, very difficult to calm down. second time in a year tried to keep her on this medication. both times same effects.

Besides taking Elmiron I was undergoing Pelvic Floor Dysfunction therapy. I would recommend both men and women to read a book by David Wise called "A Headache in the Pelvis: A New Understanding and Treatment for Prostatitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndromes". It helps to understand what causes the pain in the pelvis and how to deal with it.You'll feel better after just reading it.

Yesterday I threw the bottle in the trash, with 7 pills left in it. I literally could not take it anymore...Absolutely horrible. I am a social drinker, so i was glad that both my doctor and the pharmacist both SPELLED IT OUT for me regarding drinking... "If you drink even as much as one sip of alchohol on this medicine, you may find yourself in the ER with violent vommiting"....they BOTH said don't even use mouthwash. I can't imagine even WANTING a drink while taking this med ! It has been about 30 hours since i swallowed the last pill and i STILL feel the nausea and the fatigue.

After being poisoned by 2 statin drugs(prevstatin and simvastatin) my Dr. gave me a RX of Welchol. $240. for a box of powder packets! I'm a VERY sensitive person with drugs, I would've loved a free sample first. There is a site where you can get a free sample of this drug. I was warned to only take a pinch of it, on a empty stomach .... OMG ... I took a 1/4 teasp. I was sick/nausea, achy, spacey all day. Then I took a 1/8 teasp. with food, much better, but then my ears started ringing loudly and I had horrible insomnia while trying it. I also thought I had the flu(tired,achy body, upset stomach), but now reading the other posts, I think it was another side effect of this drug .... I'm afraid to try and take it again. There just has to be a better way than these drugs! You have NO quality of life while on them.

Some drowsiness, dizziness at first...short term memory problems at higher doses.