Larin fe 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Larin fe 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate)

Extreme weight gain (50 lbs), worsened depression, headaches, severe bloating and edema, no significant change to period (better or worse), huge increase in appetite and craving for carbohydrates

Stopped taking it after changes to mood despite being on same antidepressants for years. Weight gain was also annoying and I’m hoping I can get weight under control off of this pill.

Side Effects forlarin fe 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Horrible nightmares, nausea, hangover

This drug is pure hell for me. I spend more time being sicker than a dog than anything. I spent almost a year in remission and was so excited, but just got pulled back out and put back on this god awful medication. It feels like it's ruining my life. It's made trying to manage my illness so terrible that I told my husband I don't know how I'm going to live with this sentence. I'm stuck with it and the medication. I've told my doctor how sick it makes me and I just got the schpeal that the benefits outweigh the side effects. He's not the one on this crap though. I've thought about the shunt but haven't decided yet. The disease is bad but the medication is just as bad if not worse.

If I take more than the recommended dosage, I experience dry mouth/eyes.

sleep better at night, drowsy in morning, very vivid dreams, increased craving for sweets.

If I take too much, I get drowsy and spacey, but I've learned to take tiny bites if I'm freaking out or going into a situation in which I usually panic.

i dont remember what it was for

I haven't been on it for long, but so far so good! Much better than the combined pill (No mood swings!), and MUCH MUCH better than Depo (I was bleeding constantly for a YEAR, even AFTER stopping it.)

I have gained 20 pounds in 5 joke

My tendons are still brittle and have reoccurring Tendonitis from the doses I took and It was 4 years ago.I ache so bad I can't sleep nights and took so much aleve and other over the counter pain meds my stomach is upset to the point I am sitting on the toilet about 10 times a day. I had 45 codeine pills for a sinus surgery I had in 2009 and taking one of those before bedtime at least allowed me to sleep some. Codeine is the only thing that takes the edge off the pain. I have also developed depression. I have always tried to stay active and now I don't do a lot of what I used to enjoy. I feel like I'm stuck in the body of an 80 year old man the last 4 years. This stuff is really nasty and needs to be pulled from the market.

It was fine at first. After a few weeks I started having horrendous Depression and anxiety. I wanted to cease to live. This was an absolutely horrible experience that I wouldn't wish on anyone.