Larin 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Larin 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate)

Yeast infection, fatigue, hair loss, no motivation, return of acne

This review is for Larin manufactured by Northstar. The estrogen content of this pill is too low. I doubt it has 20 mcg of estrogen. I’ve taken many brands of bc pills with 20 mcg and they do not give such side effects as these: yeast infection, severe fatigue, hair loss, feeling cold, body aches. All these symptoms immediately went away when I used my bioidentical estrogen gel that I have on hand. This addition of estrogen is what helped me get through those 4 months on Larin, otherwise I won't be able to function. After having years of clear skin with Yaz, my insurance no longer covers it, so my doctor switched me to Larin which was awful. My cystic acne returned and my face and scalp became very oily again. This is probably partly caused a rebound of acne from Yaz withdrawal. The good things I can say about Larin are that it diminished my sleep disturbance and low level irritability and anxiety that were caused by Yaz.

I've been on the pill for 9 days and on day 7 my vaginal area began to itch. I didn't think anything of it because it's a side effect of the BC. Then I woke up this morning with a swollen vaginal area. Now I'm in pain with a yeast infection. Would NOT recommend.

Side Effects forlarin 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone acetate) - User Comments


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SO EXTREMELY TIRED!!! Basically bed ridden...had to quit my job, unable to take care of my 2 year old (Grandma does)...had blood tests done twice in the passed 6 months to see if I had some other illnes that was causing the exhaustion...nothing showed up in the tests...the doctor mentioned that it could be the lexapro...after reading all of these seems that this is probably the case...I will say Lexapro helped the depression, but this is no way of life either...I feel like I am half dead....I am going to wean myself off of this crap...I will post again and let you know if the tiredness of luck to everyone!

Inital side effects lasted for about 8 days. Although were strangley enjoyable, felt quite drunk! Giggly, silly, goofy. A metalic tast in throat some times, a bit tired, a bit unsteady. Not the best - but manageable. After the first 8 days, the inital side effects dropped off and I began to feel very drugged and scared. My mood became very unstable. I am now weening off it.

Tiredness, abdominal pain, intestinal pain, lower back pain, nausiated, and occasional bad taste. And anxiety.

Now I am running out, am un-insured and can't afford the medication. Will probably go back to IB 800 mg BID.

Extreme weight gain causing incredible amt of discomfort in breasts and back muscles (where fluid retains causing spasms); left leg pain behind knee; vertigo; significant change in labido; anxiety/mood changes; blood pressure hike; fatigue (more illness in general)

After the ridiculously heavy cramping initially (I thought I was going into labor again), I didn't have a single side effect or even notice I was on it. After about 2 years, my breasts started to become sore. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative so that was not a factor. Over the last few months the pain has gotten worse and I am scheduled to discuss this with my OB and possibly have it removed and go back on the pill.

hallucinations, insomnia, increased appetite, fear, heart palpitations, losing control, anxiety, sweating, rash, vision problems,

Micardis has lowered my BP from 145/90 to about 130/75 average and am taking the 80 mg dose. Am not happy with the side effects and would like to find an alternative method to lower my BP without drugs. Would not recomend this medication be taken for long periods of time. I think it would cause damage if taken for more than say 6 months. It is effective though in lowering BP but at too much of a cost to your general health.

severe headache, bloated, tired. depression, and crazy mood swings

My husband before Cymbalta was a smart / strong man who became distorted, weak, nervous, anxious man .. It tore my family apart .. He could not sleep as the dr also gave him Ambien which made things worse .. He had numb feet and they were always freezing, nitemares, doing thing that he would not normally do in previous years .. Cymbalta and Ambien took this mans life and in turn took mine and my family’s, we were married 3.5 years and his mind got so bad he took his own life ! All at the hands of big pharma who didn’t kno who he was. No help except a pill and that is one sad thing to control ones life .