Lansoprazole (lansoprazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lansoprazole (lansoprazole)

Started taking once a day in morning but by bed time painful abdomin caused poor sleep, now I've switched to taking Lansaprisol 1 hour before evening meal, sleeping much better.

Works great but am unable to get off of it - have been taking it or Nexium for a good number of years

H pylori & healing stomach ulcer

Initially prescribed Lansoprazole to eradicate H Pylori along with 2 antibiotics twice a day for a week. (I had no side effects at all)Now I'm taking it once a day for a month to ensure the ulcer is healed properly by preventing too much stomach acid producing.I have had no bad side effects, just dry mouth, acid reflux and slight diarhorroea for the first few days.It's been 2 weeks into Lansoprazole, and there has been up and down days... Can't lie there. But I can now eat what I want (including a little chocolate and fatty food). Appetite has gone back to normal (I had zero appetite before the treatment :( )Just hoping I don't get withdrawal symptoms when i come off Lansoprazole!!!!! (Been hearing others saying acid reflux comes back worse... Indigestion... Everything)

LANSOPRAZOLE (LANSOPRAZOLE): Lansoprazole is used to treat certain stomach and esophagus problems (such as acid reflux, ulcers). It works by decreasing the amount of acid your stomach makes. It relieves symptoms such as heartburn, difficulty swallowing, and persistent cough. This medication helps heal acid damage to the stomach and esophagus, helps prevent ulcers, and may help prevent cancer of the esophagus. Lansoprazole belongs to a class of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). If you are self-treating with this medication, over-the-counter lansoprazole products are used to treat frequent heartburn (occurring 2 or more days a week). Since it may take 1 to 4 days to have full effect, these products do not relieve heartburn right away. For over-the-counter products, carefully read the package instructions to make sure the product is right for you. Check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before. The manufacturer may have changed the ingredients. Also, products with similar brand names may contain different ingredients meant for different purposes. Taking the wrong product could harm you. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I think it's the worst antibiotic available. I have been complaining of anxiety, nausea, vomiting, acid influx, loss of appetite, upset stomach & I cannot even sleep at night. I am a peaceful sleeper but this drug makes me stay up most of the night. It makes feel very low on self esteem & triggers my emotional side which makes me cry every few hours. I'm now done with biaxin but my emotional imbalance is killing me.

loss of libido, no impulse control, very open with people, hair loss, weight gain, severe acne, dry eyes, fatigue, chronic pain, female problems, stomach problems, etc. etc. - this drug is EVIL !!! A lot of you on here just started taking it and think that it is wonderful - I used to think that too - just wait until you hit tolerance and go completely manic like I did.

Doctor switched me from OrthoTri.

Started with arms reaching out.Toe curling,depression,walking blackouts,facial movement,hip thrusting, memory loss,dry mouth,hand clinching,trouble speeking, trouble sleeping,constipation.Tardive Dyskinesia-4 doctors.

Took this after taking viibryd for a year. It was such a relief to not have brain zaps anymore. I went from having no sex drive to wanting to hump everything in sight. Has helped me a lot.

A nasty taste in my mouth and feeling nausea not myself.

Dizziness, Fatigue - very hard to get up in the morning no matter how many hours of sleep I get - never like that before, blurred vision, mental fog, lose train of thought in middle of sentence, can't seem to find the words I am looking for, muscle pain, find myself clenching my fists, just tired all the time - makes parenting very difficult!

Supposedly Bipoloar Disorder..Not

This medication has been the only medication of many to actually help with my depression. I feel functional on it. If I accidentally skip a dose the next day I am really depressed. Before this med I would have suicidal thoughts daily. I barely had nightmares before this med somehow put up with it for so long then started a med to help with nightmares but it didn't work at all. The nightmares I have are severe. Hellish. Demonic. I have placed an order for Latuda today as I cannot stand the nightmares any longer but Saphris worked wonders for my depression. Hopefully Latuda works the same without any nightmares.

Headaches,irritability, crying for no reason, anxious, bad acne breakout not only on my face, but neck, chest, & bleeding, depression, no sexual desire, moody