Lamotrigine (lamotrigine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lamotrigine (lamotrigine)

Suicidal thoughts, retaining water, full body swelling, bloating, abdominal pain, depression, increases mania, memory loss

I had no clue this drug was not FDA approved… I had started taking this drug slowly and when I was on 50mg I had some side effects but it wasn’t too severe. When I started to have anxiety attacks my doctor increased the dose and that’s when all of the negative side effects started. I would wake up fine in the morning and after taking my pill, my abdomen would swell. I have always been a slender person and this drug made me look 6 months pregnant. It was insane. I thought I had cancer because of the pain and swelling. I gained over 30lbs in 3 months… I felt like I was losing my mind and cried every day. I researched the drug later seeing that this was a common occurrence for the drug. Listen.. my good friend takes this and it works wonders for her. She feels better and has lost weight. But just be sure to trust your body and talk to your doctor! DO NOT STOP TAKING THIS DRUG COLD TURKEY!!

Severe muscle pain that started with stomach cramps then my back and neck. Blurry vision.

I'm suffering with waking up during the night with night sweats. Periods of anxiety day or night. Difficulty finding a word or spelling and sometimes I find I cannot string a sentence together. Never had any of this before taking this drug.

Ever so often when I wake up in the morning and when I get out of bed my gait and speech is off. ..really makes me miserable for a few days. Had to be a seizure.

I mean, for the price this stuff is like the jazz from Cleveland in the 70s .. all uppity up in yo tit and Shit.I mean the drugs was betta then. But this'll do

seizures, including tonic-clonic

acne, difficulty with word retrieval, confusion spells, mixing up letters/words, insomnia, frequently waking up at night, dulled emotions.

This medicine has really helped my epilepsy but gave me dry mouth and that's a nightmare to take care of. Lost a few pounds when I first started it. This medicine was very easy to be put on.

My mother takes it for depression and it works for her.

Somewhat flattened emotions. Forgetfulness. Recalling nouns is difficult at times, my speech can become rather slow. Vivid dreams (I hardly ever remembered dreams before), but not nightmares. Somewhat blurred vision. Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. My period stopped (not because of menopause). My blood got thinner, even small wounds bleed profusely.

The brand name is Lamolep as marketed in Hungary.

Insomnia (go to sleep fine,wake frequently through the night),dry mouth/thirst at night,strange/vivid dreams, vision is completely whacked, night sweats.& I seem to have trouble spelling (worse than normal) which is something I haven't read anyone else here having so who knows???

I had a severe manic episode 4 months ago that was brought on by taking an antidepressant and other external factors.It was the perfect storm,as my doctor tells it.I don't think anything that severe would have happened otherwise.That is how I was finally correctly diagnosted with bipolar,but I put my kids and myself in danger during this one & only episode so obviously I wish my bipolar disorder could have been discovered another way.I have been incorrectly diagnosed with depression for 20 yrs with no results from meds but was still never screened for bipolar disorder.Anyone who can relate to this,please ask your doctor to screen you for bipolar disease.Taking antidepessents on there own can be detrimental, as I have personally experienced.I am taking 600mg a day & I feel like I am taking way too much.I think he is being over cautious(because of the extreme episode &/or my family history).I believe the overdoseage is causing me unnecessary side effects,insomnia & the fatigue that follows,etc.Since the episode, I've taken other meds.Zyprexa is one,it made me gain 20lbs.Of course I was grad. increased to the 600mg Lamotrigine and he plans to reduce it eventually but not soon enough for me.Has anyone else ever been prescribed 600mg/day even for a short period?

few unless I miss 2 doses then nausea faintness and dizziness.

BiPolar 1/Personality disorder

The only side effect I had was the acne, but I was able to remedy that with LOTS of water (68-70oz a day) and Mary Kay Blemish Toner and Mary Kay Acne Treatment Gel.

I have always had beautiful skin without any effort, so the acne really bothered me. But this pill has done such wonders for me that I didn't want to abandon it. Especially since it has not effected my weight. When I first started using the Mary Kay products I used the toner 3x a day and applied the acne gel after. I was able to get rid of a blemish after only 2 days of using the Mary Kay. I do not sell Mary Kay, I am only giving this information for those who might have the same experience. This drug has helped me tremendously and would try anything to KEEp taking it.

LAMOTRIGINE (LAMOTRIGINE): Lamotrigine is used alone or with other medications to prevent and control seizures. It may also be used to help prevent the extreme mood swings of bipolar disorder in adults. Lamotrigine is known as an anticonvulsant or antiepileptic drug. It is thought to work by restoring the balance of certain natural substances in the brain. This drug is not approved for use in children younger than 2 years due to an increased risk of side effects (such as infections). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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the injections were truly painless. the pen is extremely convenient. needles can be reused several times.

No side effects except frequent urination until the the last dose. My legs started to hurt, then my arms and legs went numb. Constant urination and heart racing. Complete brain fog. Then the panic attacks started. I've never had them before. It's a month out since my last dose and I still have numbness and aniexty daily. It is very ha4d to sleep. Average 3 hours due to brain not relaxing. Do not take. I've gone to three doctors and they don't believe me. This is horrible.

The rash only developed after using Miralax as prescribed 1 x daily (on & off, but most days) for about a year. Perhaps it's possible to develop an adverse reaction from long-term use!

I’ve been on this drug for three days and after day two, I started to feel very high levels of anxiety and depression. My mind seems so confused and gloomy. I will stop taking it and find another option for me. I also felt a very very dried throat.

bad, really bad gas when taken in morning with light breakfast